Friday, October 31

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Tonight I will turn into a dragon! I will scare all the little kiddies then return home and then the dragon will sleep for another year!


*This is not my image but someone else's*

Thursday, October 30

Empty Room

I was wondering if anybody is really reading this blog...I have this weird feeling like I am talking to an empty room. If you do read it, could you please comment or something....


Tuesday, October 28

The Two Kittens....

These are the two cats that we have been fostering for the past two weeks....

Their going today to friends of ours because my aunt and uncle are coming to see us.

Mei (May)!



Enough said

Monday, October 27

It's Monday

It's Monday and do you know what the means? Science and Grammer tests first thing in the morning.
How fun

Sunday, October 26


Mom: *eating a rice cake*

Brightfrost: Your eating a rice cake.

Mom: *Munch*

Brightfrost: Did you know right now that hundreds of your cells are making energy from that piece of rice cake? I think it's C6 H12 O6 to 6 O2 + 6 H2O= Energy!

Mom: Wow, I thought that I was just eating a rice cake.


Friday, October 17

50th post/My knee pains

On Thursday I was having knee problems, this is how it laid out....

During Tap-Pulled a muscle in my left knee cap (painful) while tapping like a mad fool, after a minute in numbed up so it wasn't really a problem (during dance)

Right after Tap-My butt hurt (don't ask me why)

When I got home-The pain in my butt had gave way to pain in my left knee, so I jumped around on my right foot.

When I went to bed-My right knee hurt because of hopping around on it

Today-My left knee still hurts

Does anybody else think this is funny?

This is my 50th blog part/piece/entry

Thursday, October 16

I Can Draw!

So I know that last couple days (weeks) I haven't put up any pictures so....I scanned some in! (Then my scanner stopped)

Yep, that sums it up really. I have more but you can't see them for the fact that my scanner as died on me.

Tuesday, October 14


So I have an account on Neopets and I have this "Secret Lab" that I go to everyday and zap my pet with that can change species, sex, strengh points, etc.

My "lab rat" is Gabriel_z, a Lupe (a dog like creature) and I zapped him a few days ago and he changed colors....he was now the color hot pink. If anybody knows me I HATE pink to every degree possible!

So, these past days I have be zapping him like crazy hoping that he would change colors. Day after day, OTHER things changed but he stayed the horrid color until today! yyyeeaaaahhhhh!!! No longer is he pink but he is a cool camouflage color!

Then I zapped his (Gabriel_z's) pet and it turned into dust.

Is there no balance?

Sunday, October 12


*Will insert better piece of blog at a later time because of lack of imagination and sleep*

Saturday, October 11

I am amazed

I am amazed that anybody even looks at this crazy little blog of mine. All I do is talk about random things that happened/happens is my life and (I think) you read it.
Thanks for reading this piece of mush

Thursday, October 9


Brightfrost + Life + Dance + School + Aunt and Uncle coming + Freezing Cold Weather + All I have is T-Shirts + I need to go shopping + Keeping Up On Everything + Pet Problems
Utter Craziness

Tuesday, October 7

Row, Row, Row your what?!

So I had to find out who made up Row, Row, Row your boat and I found out there are variations to the nursery rhyme....

Row, row, row the boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Up and down the stream

Row, row, row the boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a waterfall
Don't forget to scream

Row, row, row the boat
Gently down the river
If you see a polar bear
Don't forget to shiver

Row, row, row the boat
Gently to the shore
If you see a lion
Don't forget to roar

Row, row, row the boat
Gently in the bath
If you see a spider
Don't forget to laugh

Row, row, row the boat
Gently as can be
'Cause if you're not careful
You'll fall into the sea!

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the lake
Don't stand up and rock the boat
That's a big mistake!

Row, row, row the boat
Gently down the stream
Throw your teachers overboard
And listen to them scream!

Rock, rock, rock your boat
Gently down the stream
Watch out, give a shout,
Into the water you go!

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream. or Underneath the stream.
Ha! Ha! Fool'd ya all!
I'm a submarine.

Then came...

Mister Rogers version:

Propel, propel, propel your craft,
Unforcefully down the liquid solution.
Ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically,
Existence is merely an illusion.

Drive, drive, drive your car,
Gently down the street.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a treat.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
If you see a crocodile,
Don't forget to scream.

Well, there you go, all the Row, Row, Row Your Boat you could ever want!

I will probaby be humming that tune for the rest of the day...


Some of this text has been copied from the 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat' page at Wikipedia there for it is not mine, also the lyrics to some of the songs do not belong to me (Brightfrost) but to their respected owners. Thanks for reading the small text by the way!

Halloween is on its way!


Monday, October 6

Fish Pellets

Jeod is good, but he is really dumb. He grabs his fish pellets with his mouth and then spits them back out. Then goes after them again, and the same thing happens again until the food falls into the gravel where he can't get to it. I guess that's what you get for a two second memory. But I still like him, he's cool.
Oh yeah, it's Monday
School starts

Sunday, October 5

Random Fact about me...

I listen to alot of different kinds of music, from Country to Semi-Hard Rock
But I hate musicals

Jeod (rhymes with road)

I got a new Beta fish!
His name is Jeod (JODE-rhymes with road). He is really cool. Here is some pictures that I took yesterday....


Up close on the tail

He is happy in his new rock

That's it for now, I have no foster pets so no cute pictures to show you...

But we have had cute kittens,

But that is for tomorrow!


Saturday, October 4

Questions and Answers

HI everybody! If you haven't noticed, the blog has been down for the count for a few weeks and I think that I should answer your questions...

Random Person (RP): Why couldn't I get to your blog?

Brightfrost (BF): I made it so nobody but me could get at it. Why you ask? Look at the next question...

RP: Why did you do it?

BF: Because, I was having some problems with it and I wanted time to "fix" it.

RP: What was your problem?

BF: *laughs* Nothing that is worth talking about.

Rp: Will it be open now?

BF: Yeah, I think so.

Okay! That's it for today!