Tuesday, March 31


Tomorrow is April Fools and the releasing spam that I know as the "worm". It's really scary. What sicko would try to reek havoc on people computers? That is just plain mean.

I am backing up everything like crazy. They say that it might be on your computer and you would never know it until 12 tonight. Makes me even more jumpy.

We'll see in the morning....


Thursday, March 26

Reviews on Reviews

Hey I felt like some of the reviewers on my story (The 9th Race) needed some answers so I'm going to write them here:

Single Letters Reviewed: CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE!!plz! I'm beggin!xDAwesome~!But in ways I don't think dragons qualify as a race, but as more of a... species...kinda like how an ape is to a human; the more primitive matters and where the dragons live I think can be more... obscure...Because it can't be possible others haven't popped out of nowhere before and be captured like this...or else it'd be too cliche but it's alright, don't mind my rants^^can't wait for the update~!

I understand what you are saying and I looked up the word "race". here is the applicable definition: "any large group of living creatures" then I looked up the word "Species": "A group of plants or animals that are alike in certain ways". I see what you are saying but I think people know this story as "The 9th Race" but I do think that is should be "race". I am glad that you like the story! Your and all the other reviewers are what keep me going when I want to stop!

FowlFan Reviewed:Congrats on owning the chapter. Doing to chapters a week would be pretty nice. You're doing really well on every thing. You only misspelled at most three words out of these five chapters. I hope you keep this story going.Do you think you could write anything about vampires or werewolves?

I wanted to answer your question about vampires and werewolves. If you are implying a book who's name starts with "t" then I can tell you that probably won't happen. I haven't read the Twilight Saga, I have some personal things against those books, sorry. Though if I ever did any vampire and werewolves stuff then it would probably be something more my style..traditonal with a twist or two.

Holly Marie Fowl Reviewed: Computer cake sounds discusting! Who wants a computer in their cake?Great story! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D~HMF

You're right..bad idea...

H2P2 Reviewed:my name is H2P2. you probably know that already considering the name on this review. this is the first story i have reviewed in months. feel honored? you should. I rarely review artemis fowl. I usually read harry potter and avatar: the last airbender fanfictions, but i decided to branch out. anyway, the story rocks. Everybody loves dragons! especially me! lol keep up ht excellent work my friend. i am writer myself. I need reviews to continue though... lol.

H2P2 (cool name by the way!) I wanted to tell you that I feel honored that I have helped you get into Artemis Fowl Fics and back into reviewing stories. I wondered if anybody had ever done a story on dragons and Fowl. I looked and I was shocked that nobody had! They seemed like a good match up. I really hope that you enjoy the next chapter, there is many many to come! I have written enough chapters to last though June...scary isn't it? ... There is another story that is by another amazing writer (AF fic) here is the link

Also thanks to....midnightrainbow, MaryLilaWest, Liris, Wordless Dream, AyameAkako, Bob, bob115, candycan, and Kaitybunny!

I hope that you like this weeks chapter, many things are to come in this story, I looked over it and I realized how many turned there are to come! ;) Enjoy Everybody!


Ps. I really really really like it when you ask me questions! It challenges my story and plot and helps me become better! Plus, I makes me feel like I am "in touch" (if you want call it that) with you and the other readers!

Pss. Sorry if there is grammer/spelling/brainbeeps (we all know what these are) in here, I'm tired and tomorrow I leaving for the beach! Yay...

Monday, March 23

And back again...

Hi. If you haven't guessed. I'm back. yay. I'm tired. boo who. >.< *yawn* I have stories but, don't want to write. I didn't get anything done on The 9th Race (fanfiction that I have been working on). I got about ten sentences down. I ran out of ways to make drama. in ten sentences. I don't do that very often. today I cleaned my room. yay. I feel random. Sometime I feel flopping on my face and yelling that I don't want to write. but I do. this should make all you readers happy. ugh. tired. sleep. stuff. 5 chapters to go. research to be done. ugh. I need bed.
*falls out of chair and sleeps on floor*

Friday, March 20

Gone with The Wind

I have disappeared off the face of this planet for a while so I can visit my Grandma and celebrate...you guessed it.....Christmas.
Be back on Moday

Wednesday, March 18

Fire alarms

Hi! It was funny today, I was at my art class and my teacher was fixing a fire alarm that needed a new battery and after she put the battery in she couldn't get it back on. After fifteen minutes I walked over to see what I could do but then she got it. There was some writing on the plastic and I asked her what it said, she replied "I can't read upside down" so I stood there and made it out:

"Do not remove unless power is off"

Monday, March 16

My Desktop

I found this on the internet and I LOVE it! I'll upload the image with out my stuff on it tomorrow. (click to make bigger)

Sunday, March 15

Greek Gods Pictures

Here are some pictures of the foster kitten group: Greek Gods!

Are I just wonderful? -Hera


Woah with that flash!

Hermes chillin'

The biggest and the littlest




A shadow of Hera

Hermes and Poseidon when to a home together...that is a foster parent's dream!

Saturday, March 14


I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN THREE WEEKS! O.O Sorry! I have been so busy with...everything! Anyway Hera has gone over to a friends house since we are getting ready have a very crazy next couple of weeks.

ummm....I have been writing on my new fanfiction: 'The 9th Race' it's a Artemis Fowl fic (fan fiction).

Yeah...I have been drawing too, here is something to look at....

I'm really starting get good at drawing (finally!) Yay! Anyway click on the image to see it bigger. I got a really cool scanner/printer so I am able to scan everything in (also finally).

And yeah, I'll put some more pictures up tomorrow and if i get lucky I'll get some Hera pictures up too.