Saturday, January 24

IPod+Spice=Cuteness MAXED

I have been trying to get this picture for 2-3 days! (hence I haven't been blogging) Taking it means getting Spice sleepy, laying her down on the chair, gently putting the IPod in her ears and then quickly taking the picture before she realizes what is going on!

Now she is snoozing to the tunes....


Tuesday, January 20

Spice is Better....

....which is good....right?

As I just wrote Spice (or Molly as we are starting to call her) is doing better. She isn't sneezing as much and isn't laying around as much, this a good thing. The problem is this: What do you do when your not laying around day in and day out? You PLAY! PLAY! PLAY!

She has so much energy! This morning when I was half asleep she practically broke down the baby gate that held her back from the rest of the house. She started chewing on wires, she started attacking people's legs, she escaped into the garage that was in 10 degrees, she started running like crazy, eating dust balls, running into windows, and other bouncy kitten things, this is all good...right?

Yes, it is, just not when your half asleep.

Aren't I calm? (taken the night before)

The next morning

I want someone to play with me....NOW!

Asleep at last

zzzz....I dream of fish

Yes, I am a model


Saturday, January 17

You don't need an acount!

You don't need an account to comment! It's that cool???? All you do is click on the "0 comments" (I am sure that is what it is) and click anonymous or put in your name. Then you can just comment away!
You know I am just bored right?
And have nothing better to do?

Friday, January 16

The Spice of Life!

Here my new foster kitten: SPICE! She's about 3 months old and here's some pictures....there not too good but I will have better later...

Flash is scary

Half asleep


"Stop pushing that thing in my face!" She says....

She's funny, sometimes she sleeps sitting up. Everybody's different....

Thursday, January 15

New Foster Kitten

I know that I haven't updated this is a while, but I have nothing to say...besides the fact that it's -10 outside.

So my mom was picking me up from my art class and well...

Mom: How does a foster kitten sound?

Brightfrost: *does a back flip in the car* GREAT! What does he have?

Mom: You know, the usual: Tapeworms, fleas, underweight, diarrhea and URI (cat's versions of the common cold)


Brightfrost: PERFECT!

Hence we are getting him at 10 and I will have pictures by tomorrow.


Saturday, January 10

Quote For The Day:

"Mom? Who's driving the car? You or Mother Nature?" -Brightfrost as the car
slides down the driveway because of ice

Sunday, January 4


I had chestnuts last night and then I had some this morning.
I love chestnuts.

Friday, January 2

Happy 2009!

HAPPY 2009! It's funny to see people straggling around with miscued new years hats and glasses the day after....
Ah well, I hope 09 will be better than 08!