Tuesday, February 24

Catching up with Brightfrost

Hello! Sorry that I haven't updated since...3 weeks ago! >.< I have been busy with school and the Greek Gods have been lots of work. Lets see if I can catch you up quickly....

Greek Gods (foster kittens) came and got sick
I thought they were all going to have to be put down
They started throwing up
That increased that thought
I have been writing like a crazy person for my new fanfiction story
Greek Gods got better Poseidon, Hermes and Apollo went back
Apollo got sick and came back home
We had Apollo, Athena, and Hera
Apollo got better
Apollo and Athena went back
Hera in now alone and wailing for her brothers.

PS: Yes, I have tons of very cute pictures kittens but I dont have enough time to post it all

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