Friday, November 28

More Drawings

Here her my Chibis and my Dragons...Saphira (I think that is how you spell it) scan didn't turn out well...Ah well....

The Chibi's are made with Pencil then inked and colored with colored pencils.
Each took about 5-10 minutes...This is Shadow, one of my own personal character. The ink didn't go that well....I think it is cute though. This is Shun, my friend's (Skysong) character. It's too cute for being half asleep when being made!

This is a character is from the Eragon series...I like this one. It took about 10-15 minutes and done with Crayons. Did you even see that he has only three legs?
This is Saphira from the Eragon Series. She is my fav. This took about 5-10 minutes and I was in a hurry.

What do you think?


Wednesday, November 26

Chibi Craziness

I have been making chibies (I think that is how you spell it) like crazy lately. As soon as I have enough time I will scan them in along with another Brass drawing of mine...when I have time.

Sassy is good. She is sssooo sweet. Last night she burrowed underneath the covers and we couldn't see anything! It was funny....

Yeah, nothing really is new....

Monday, November 24

Sassy the Dog!

We just got a new foster dog! Her name is Sassy and she is really cute! She's shy and scared of men. Here is a picture of her...

Saturday, November 22

Brass Dragon Drawing

Again I worked on ANOTHER dragon drawing, this one is of a Brass Dragon (my fav). I just realized that I haven't really given any details or anything of the dragons...So, I will now!

Brass Dragons are talkive and with talk to anybody for hours (if they will listen that long). They breath fire , they live in the dessert and they typically live to 2,000 years old.

Silver Dragons are kind and helpful. They go around and do good deeds. Simply put, they are the "paldins" of the dragon world. They breath out frost, live in the mountains and live to about 3,000 years.

Blue Dragon are vain and cruel. They wish others harm are very tough. They spit out lighting, also live in the dessert and live to 2,000 years old.

Here is what a Brass Dragon looks like...

(This dragon pic is not mine)
And here is mine!
The scan didn't turn out that well. >.<
What do you think?

Wednesday, November 19

Finished Dragon Drawing....

This is not mine but this is a picture of what it should look like....but I didn't do the tail's really really hard...

What do you think?
Yay! Someone has commented on my blog AGAIN!!!! YYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! That always makes me feel so good. Thanks for the awesome comment Luthien Tinuviel! Trust me, I have been working (hardcore) on my dragons for atleast...what....three years now? Something like that....but thanks! I might do another one when I have time...

Oh on another point, that really really cool picture in the other dragon post (the colored one) is not's someone Else's....I just put it up of people to see what it should look like...
The only thing I am not happy with on this drawing is the guy's left looks squished...

Tuesday, November 18

Another Dragon

So I am working on another Dragon...yay me! I go it done but I still have some stuff to do...When I get a chance I'll scan it what I have and put it up here...

Oh! By the way! Thanks Christine for commenting on my blog! It makes me want to update more! I couldn't comment on yours though....I think it's a problem with the Vista I use...

*grumble grumble*


Monday, November 17


So I was watching a movie and while I am doing that, I like to draw. So my scanner is now working so I scanned in what I did...I like it. It's a Silver Dragon...

I took a scan of it's head...
Then of the whole thing!

Here is what it was going to look like (I didn't do this one though, somone with AMAZING skill did),I messed up on the though ears....>.<

Friday, November 14

Thursday, November 13

*sniff* That rock smells weird

I was studying and my friend (Wildheart) and someone else were doing a study course. Wildheart was helping him with something, they were looking at rocks and trying to find out what they were.

One of the ways to tell what kind of rock it guessed it...smelling it! So, while I was reading something for my school the whole time they were doing this...


"Oh, this smells funny."


"That rock smelling oily."


"NASTY! That rock smells rotten."


"That smells really weird."


"That rock smells like a rock"

It took alot of my willpower not to laugh

Wednesday, November 12


Yeah, I know the last time I did this was Halloween. But let's say my life has gone from semi-crazy to MAX ULTRA CRAZINESS!