Wednesday, November 19

Finished Dragon Drawing....

This is not mine but this is a picture of what it should look like....but I didn't do the tail's really really hard...

What do you think?
Yay! Someone has commented on my blog AGAIN!!!! YYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! That always makes me feel so good. Thanks for the awesome comment Luthien Tinuviel! Trust me, I have been working (hardcore) on my dragons for atleast...what....three years now? Something like that....but thanks! I might do another one when I have time...

Oh on another point, that really really cool picture in the other dragon post (the colored one) is not's someone Else's....I just put it up of people to see what it should look like...
The only thing I am not happy with on this drawing is the guy's left looks squished...

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