Friday, March 12


Today was a very interesting day, I woke up and I realized that I had come down with the symptoms of a very bad cold. In which I mean that I was terribly unmotivated to do anything. I wasn't sick. All I wanted to do was sit around the house and stare out the window all day. This wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't Friday.

Saturday, great.
Sunday, wonderful.
Monday, resentful.
Tuesday, recovering.
Wednesday, mumbling.
Thursday, growling
Friday, death

By school of course. The workload of things to do always seems to land its big butt on the last day of the week. Understand what I am saying? I could not take any of the day off. It was the perfect day for it too, the clouds were coming in and now it is pleasantly raining out. Good day to just go back to bed and start over in the morning.

There was still that tiny little problem that made it that I couldn't do it. School. So, I wandered around the house, as Mom got up and left to do productive things. I sat on a bar stool in the kitchen watching and sighed.

Who would have known that this would be the most productive morning that I would have all week? Not me! Trust me, the last thing on my mind was to get a lot of things done on my to-do list. Yet amazingly, I did. 

I did a English quiz (I aced it), an math review, practiced piano and read most of a history lesson. All in about two-three hours. Pretty good for me.

Anyways, I better get back to it. I have to finish reading the history and then read through my teacher's note on the subject. Though the subject is interesting to me so it should be fun.


Tuesday, February 16

Dragon Doodle

Found this guy stomping around on my essay about religions. He's about an inch high by inch long, born from an ink pen.

Monday, February 15

A Man in a Hut

Right now I could go into the fact that I have been busy, between school, my personal life and my job to even think of updating this. I could go into of all the times that I have sat here and stared at this empty box of text.

But I won't.

You wanna know why?

Because we're all busy. No matter if we live in a hut in the middle of a forest or in a high rise in New York City. The man in the hut has to hunt for food and the New Yorker has to make enough money to pay for his fancyshmancy apartment that he lives in. Me? I'm just your typical teenager attempting to find the point between fun and drudgery. A tad but hard. 

Anyways, life moves on. The picture in this post is of a candle that I got a couple weeks ago.  It smells of birthday cake. Seriously, it smells just like that holiday. I did get a picture of Zoey, that is now in the pet section and possibly a new picture of Quin. 

Well, that's it for my post. School is a-calling and there is lot of things that have to happen before then!


Sunday, February 7

The Goal for the Weekend

Its the funniest thing. As you have noticed I have been very much touch and go on this blog, mostly because of tests and whatnot. But I am getting more hits than ever, last week I had over fourty hits and I haven't posted anything in a while! Life is funny that way isn't it?

Anyways, my goal this weekend is to get a good picture of Zoe. She's quite camera shy so to get a picture of her is going to be next to impossible. But there is always that 1% chance.

Wish me luck!


Saturday, January 23

The Mysteries Of My Life

Had had all these great ideas that I wanted to blog about, I thought about them for hours and figured out what I wanted to say but guess what? When I sit down here to write about them I realize that I can't think of a single thing.

Their probably been eaten by everything else in my head, like, English, Algebra, and maybe possibly World History. Who knew that my life could eat my ideas? Maybe its the dragons that have been swirling around in my head for the past couple days.

Ah the mysteries of life.This I wonder about, where does all those good ideas that we think that we have suddenly disappear when you wake up the next morning?

Plots for stories never written, schoolwork, states and capitals, names, and all that stuff. Where does that stuff go? Ideas anybody?