Wednesday, July 30


Just to tell you I am working on ANOTHER chapter in The White Guitar...yeah, and I have a funny little piece on the way as well...

See yah!


Sunday, July 27


So I went to this garage sale yesterday and I found this bird creature. When I asked the person who was running the sale what it was he said: "A bird"

Well this "bird" had four legs and the strangest coloring that I have ever seen. So I bought it and I believe it's a griffin. What do you think?

I think that it is a griffin. But I have no idea what it is for! There is no mark on the bottom and it has two holes in it, the one on the top and the tail.

If you have any idea what it was for please leave a comment caus' I am in the dark!


Wednesday, July 23

Tap 3!

After a hard working summer I made it into tap 3! It is the second hardest class that I can get into! I have made it though 6 of these levels in 8 years. I'm really happy!

Anyways I haven't had time to take pictures of the new kittens...sorry!


Monday, July 21

Eoin Colfer!

The New Book

My Books

The sign for where Eoin Colfer will sign (pun, pun)

The left side of the bus

More pictures of the left side

The back of the bus

The right side of the bus

Eoin Colfer signing a book
Eoin Colfer signing this girl's book

That's all the pictures that I got to friend that I met at the signing gave me a paper with her email on it which I lost...:( Sorry!

The Foster Kittens Pictures:

Wet Michele

Katie Bug sleeping in my lap

Katie Bug sleeping


Katie Bug in the laundry basket

Alex chilling in laundry basket

Alex doing a "Lion King" pose

Alex about to attack Greggy from Laundry Basket

Katie Bug Chilling

Katie Bug likes my Dad's foot

Alex's arm

Blurry Picture of Greg

Katie Bug outdoes Alex on the "Lion King" pose

Katie Bug hits the books before she goes off to her new owner. Her list is: "What's a owner?" "How to make your human do what you want" and "Duck or Tuna? Which one is best?"

Good Bye!

Today Alex, Michele, Greggy and Katie Bug went from our home to strike out to find homes of their own. They are going to go up for adoption in the next few days. I am sad to see them go, but that is part of fostering you have to let them go even though you want to hold them close. Now we have two other kittens, both girls named Leana and Valentina. They are both silver and white accents on their faces. I don't have any pictures right now but I know that I will have some soon. But I do have all the pictures that I promised you...

See yah!

Sunday, July 20


I have an account on Fanfiction! Fanfiction is a site were I can publish stories with other author's characters with out being hunted down for taking his/her characters. I have just published one of my first stories. It is called The White Guitar. I think it is cool...I hope that you enjoy it:

See yah!

Saturday, July 19


I finished the new book in under a day and a half! It was ssssoooo good! At the end I was going around and around in circles! And when I came to the last page I went huh? It took me a minute to stop circling and figure out what happened! It is the best book in the series! Even though Eoin said this was going to be the last book, I don't think it will be. It is like saying that it will never rain, it will happen sometime or another.

I am going to have to reread it!


Here's a picture of it!

The Best Book in The World!

Thursday, July 17

Artemis Fowl Craziness!

Sorry the last few days were a great big blur. So I forgot to post this or have the time to write it. So now I am making myself write it before I have to go. I try to keep posts short but this...not so much.

After getting in the car we started on our way, I was as my mom called me The Co-pilot because I helped her alot with maps. Since mom hasn't read any of the books we listened to the first one on tape so she would have a better idea of what in the world Colfer would be talking about. We stopped a few times for food and gas but besides that it was very boring to write about.

After the hubbub of getting off the highway we saw it, the bright neon green bus (see pictures at the end). It was really cool, it had all the main characters on it and it had the new book on it and it was just really, really cool. As we drove Mom by, and mom waved and the person driving the bus waved back, it was quite funny. After getting the book and the ticket to get the books (I got 3, one for me, one to borrow out and the last one for my friend who couldn't make it)

We drove to our room after that and dumped all our stuff off we then flopped down on the very nice bed and chilled for a few minutes. Then we parked near the theater that we were going to meet Eoin Colfer at and walked to dinner. Dinner was at a very calm restaurant, they gave us water and we settled down until we wanted to go in line to get in. Then they give us the order paper, we didn't see anything that we knew, it was crazy. It was a raw food restaurant. I got a crazy hot sunflower seeds taco and mom had something orangish...I forget what it was call, but on the good side I meet someone who was also an Artemis Fowl fan so we talked and enjoyed the new story. We then went to search out the van which we found and took pictures of (see bellow) it. We then ran and got it line to get in, we, Joyflower (that is what I will call her) and I of course read in line.

Finding seats and settling down was easy and we waited the hour for the show to start. Disney was blasting music in our ears, it wasn't that fun because we were trying to read, the only good thing about the whole thing was that Mom did a hula hoop competition, it was fun and funny. The after a long wait EOIN COLFER walked though the door! And gas shot though a box and it was all cool! Then he talked and we all laughed, for a whole hour, he told so many funny stories and he was really cool and...and short!

I can't tell you any of the stories because if you see him I wouldn't want you to know anything of what he said. After the show I got in line and he signed my books and then I said the lamest thing ever! I said: "I read your books and I started writing." That was so dumb! Anyways after that we crashed on our beds and slept. It the morning I read, in the car I read, while mom shopped I read and read! and read! It was crazy but it was so good! It is the best in the series!

well, that's my adventure with Eoin Colfer...

See yah!


I am very sorry but my camera is not working so I can not show you the pictures. I will have them to you ASAP. Thanks!

Monday, July 14


Hey Everyone!
Tomorrow I am going to Chicago because my favorite author is going to be there!!! :D Eoin Colfer is coming to Chicago because his new book is coming out and he is going to do a talk about how his life relates to the Artemis Fowl books! It's going to be sssoooo cool!!!! And to top it off I am going to get my copy of the new book signed! Yeah!!! I can't wait!
Here is a picture of what he looks like:

P.s. You might have seen that my wonderful foot is in one Katie Bug's picture. Yes, I meant to do that! (not)

Sunday, July 13

Dog talk

Yeah, this is really random but I was talking to my mom in the car and we were talking about adopting a dog...

Brightfrost: I want a dog.

Fix-It-Artist: I want a small dog.

Brightfrost: I want a big dog.

Fix-it-Artist: I know you like large dogs but if we got one it would be a small dog.

Brightfrost: I want a Siberian Husky!

Fix-it-Artist: NO! Remeber how much hair Aunt Barb's dog had?

Brightfrost (cries/shouts): I want a Great Dane!

Fix-it-Artist: One of you would have to stop eating because we can't afford to feed both of you.

Brightfrost: Really? They eat that much?

Fix-it-Artist: Yes,

Brightfrost: I want a Australian Shepherd!

Fix-it-Artist: No, What's wrong with a beagle?

Brightfrost: *sigh*

I might have gone off a little of what we really said but it still has the same point.

Saturday, July 12

The Wonders Of A Cardboard Box

It's amazing to me how something that I think is dull and useless can be turned into something that someone else can find so much joy out of. Like this cardboard box, I try make one for every
group. Always! The pictures bellow are of what the box looks like after I cut it up with a knife:

And this is what happens when you add kittens:

Katie Bug looking though the top

Katie Bug looking though the side

Alex chomping on the side

All four kittens are in the box

Katie bug playing though a hole in the box

Alex is giving me the "look" which means: "Put down the camera and play with me!"

They played in the box for at least two hours before they crashed and slept on top of the crate we have in there. It was really fun moment for me. (who knows why) I believe tomorrow they might get a bath so I will try to snap some pictures.
Your Bloggn' friend,
P.s. I couldn't do this post with out this picture...

Presenting...The Cute Kittens!

Presenting...Our Cute Foster Kittens!

Katie Bug!

Michele Bell!



Aren't they just the cutest??? They play and go crazy all day in their room and then they crash and look even cuter sleeping.

I'll post some more cute pic.s tomorrow!


Thursday, July 10

A Blog is Born!

Today, I have created my first ever blog! How cool is that? I guess I should say something about myself. I am a dancer, I have taken tap dancing for 8 years! I don't take anything else, just tap. I really, really, love doing it.

I love writing! My longest (finished) story is 13,000 words and my longest (unfinished and never to be finished) story is about 24,000 words and 66 pages. I have been chipping way at it every once and a while. Both of these stories have to do with the characters in Artemis Fowl so they can not be published. :(

I am also a artist, my Mom and Dad are both artists so I guess it runs in the family! I like to draw a lot and watercolor.

We (my mom and I) foster for our near by humane society, that means that we take in sick and underweight kittens and turn them into as our vet says: "Big, fat sassy kitties." Right now we have four kittens, Alex ( short hair, orange with dark orange stripes), Greggy ( Short hair, tiger with puuurrrfect white "socks") Katie Bug (Med hair, tiger with white accents) and Michele Bell (short hair, tiger). We had fostered them before...but they didn't do very well so they came back "home". Now they are playful fluff balls that just love to bounce around!

I will soon have some pictures of them!
