Wednesday, September 10

Lacy The Dog

I have so many funny, cool, and weird things that have happened in my life to post on this blog. Yet I have all the time in the world to do it! (not) Sorry about that, I am going to try to stay on top of it though. I guess I should pick one and start.

Well...let's start with yesterday shall we?

Yesterday (09/09/08) I had Girl Scouts with my friends and we talked about how life was like a maze. So after we finished doing that Quietfoot came home with us and we had fun bugging each other. Since she lives one street over from us we decide to race home. After using ALL our energy racing against each other. We saw that Quietfoot's dog, Lacy (a black lab) was loose.

She does this all the time so Quietfoot, her brother and I started the chase. Through every one's backyards and front yards we went, over hills and though woods, over streets, etc. etc.

Until, she ran into a car.

A dog never wins against a car. After getting over the shock we laid Lacy down on the side of the road (she was still alive and limping) and I ran to get help. We got really, really, lucky because our parents (who were looking for us) were just one street over.

Quietfoot's dad got the car and her mom went to the vet with Lacy while the rest of us, slowly went home.

Lacy is lucky dog. She only has soft tissue damage and a little bit of nerve damage but she is going to pull though. She is on medication but she was allowed to go home. Her front leg isn't working too well but they say she is going to be okay. I'll go check up on her and maybe take a picture or two.

So that's one of many stories,


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