Thursday, June 4

6 in the morning

At 6:05 in the morning guess what out new foster puppy decided to do. START HOWLING AT THE TOP OF HER TINY LUNGS!!! *sigh* That's the only rule in the house, if the animal wakes my dad from his's out of the house. Period. So half asleep I jumped out of bed and dragged her outside.

6:15 after the morning meal we go outside again for a potty break, (by this time I'm still half asleep). Then we went for a walk around the neighborhood. That's the key, keeping her tired and interested.

6:45 reinforcements come, in the shape of mom. then on with our day. She's a really really good dog. She doesn't bark when you stuff her in the cage, she's only had two ah...oopies and she is as cute as a button!

I have a picture on my camera...I'm just too lazy.

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