Wednesday, June 10


*sniff sniff* But but...all I want to do is bite your nose off.. *sniff*

Pwetty pweese?

Did you resisted the blurred cuteness???

I sure have.

We were gone all day and when we got back she was practically bouncing (bouncing bouncing) off the walls. So I played a million games of I-throw-the-toy-and-then-I-chase-you...while-your-off-ripping-some-other-valuable-object-apart. Let me classify that: a valuable object: shoes, socks, shorts (don't ask), bags, leashes, book covers, shirts, pillows and many other object that are made of cloth/plastic/paper, that is not a assigned sacrificed object.

Then after a while of her biting my jeans I said: "THAT'S IT! BEDTIME!" She knows that word. She suddenly becomes innocence little puppy that you see in movies or on a magazine cover. I take her out in the courtyard and clean up parts (yes, there is more than one part) of the mess.

Then if wasn't bedtime when I pick her up she would nip/squirm/play and try to make a game out of it.

oh no
not at bedtime
There is only a big eyed, plush, warm, stuffed animal like puppy in my arms. Looking up me like:

'Of course it wasn't me, why would an innocent me do that?'

*sigh* though I know better. Quickly I take her to her crate before she realizes that it's not working and flee quickly.
yes, this is what bedtime is all about at my house.

Wonderful isn't it?

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