Wednesday, June 24

Seemingly the almost enemies

Yes, those are my worst enemies....'seemingly (and it's tenses)' and 'almost'. I over use them wwwwaaayy too much. And Dragon (those who do not know, Dragon is my editor (she is a very nice person)) has to correct me every single time!!!

Let me give you a few examples:
  • It was seemed as if the man was angry at the woman.
  • Jo jogged up the stairs almost looking like a kangaroo jumping up on rocks.
  • With a almost seemingly (Woah! double punch!) grizzly-like pace Jo lumbered away.
  • (real example) The bare and beaten down wood boards made up the floor and it seemed that every other one sticking up at least an inch.
  • Rebecca seemed happy that she had hugged Jo, though Jo seemingly had other thoughts. Jo almost push her away seemingly undecided about the matter of the hugging woman. Although Rebecca seemed happy that happiness disappeared almost seemingly as fast a water down a pipe!

In three sentences I used my enemies 6 times. Funny, isn't it? Know you have the seemingly almost invisible disease! LOL Watch it now my friends! You may seem to write with an almost gentle pressure to write those words! But beware! It seems an almost impossible thing to break!


Your seemingly almost crazy blogger!


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