Wednesday, December 23

Its Raining Cats and Dogs, but mostly Dogs

Seriously, sometimes things can be fun in the craziest ways. Like today, it was raining cats and dogs. Any reasonable person would stay home and when they see someone walking out in it they would say: "Boy, it's raining so hard out side why would anybody in their right mind want to walk in this weather?"
That person would be correct, no one on their right mind would be walking. Unless you are me. Walking the downpour. With the Rebel and Satchel. No sign of an umbrella. Singing Christmas songs. Yep, that would be me. But to think about it. It's my job, but also I do it for them. The dogs must of been giving me death glares but there was nothing that I could do. But, I did what I could to make them happier by singing to them to attempt to keep their spirits up. I haven't had any response to see if my off tune and horse voice worked.
I personally doubt it though.

I'll tell you if I get a woofing ovation next time I do it.


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