Saturday, December 19

Owls of Quirkiness

I went wandering with a friend a few days ago, after stopping and sipping a beverage in 30-28 degree weather...outside. We talked about Christmas and presents, I'm got her a really awesome gift, but I can say because she read this! I want one, but that reminds me, I have to wrap it still!

Anyways, after that, we wandered into a wonderful shop filled with nick nacks that could fill your house to the brim and make your wallet cry out for mercy. You get my point. Armed with a camera I came across these really cool ornaments. They were the size of my fist and really quite me-like.

They just had this great quality of spunkiness and handmadeness to them. The place wasn't that busy and I could snap some pictures when the lady at the cash register wasn't looking. Shhhhhhhhhhh....don't rat me out!  I like the beads for eyes and the nose/beak. Its so simple and understated.

There were so many cool things there, plates made of paper, a cool bird thing, and a dragon kite! I want one of those things....but alas I am a bit to cheap to spend 65 dollars on a hand painted kite.

Don't get me wrong I really really liked it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life goes on...I guess....

Signing off for the day,


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