Saturday, January 23

The Mysteries Of My Life

Had had all these great ideas that I wanted to blog about, I thought about them for hours and figured out what I wanted to say but guess what? When I sit down here to write about them I realize that I can't think of a single thing.

Their probably been eaten by everything else in my head, like, English, Algebra, and maybe possibly World History. Who knew that my life could eat my ideas? Maybe its the dragons that have been swirling around in my head for the past couple days.

Ah the mysteries of life.This I wonder about, where does all those good ideas that we think that we have suddenly disappear when you wake up the next morning?

Plots for stories never written, schoolwork, states and capitals, names, and all that stuff. Where does that stuff go? Ideas anybody?

Sunday, January 17

Petsmart with an Added Addition of Life

The World History test that has been eating my life for the past couple days is now over, what a relief. I think I did well on it, I hope, though the results aren't back yet. It was really annoying because being enrolled in a means I have to go to the nearest collage testing center.

Don't get me wrong, that's not what I mean when say that, it's annoying when you have a teenager behind you mumbling and moaning and so on. Luckily I was done with my test and I was just looking over the answers. It was annoying, having someone tapping their pencils against their desks. We were the only ones in the room too!

Anyways, after that, we went over to pet smart and these creatures were just begging to have their pictures taken. Those are the pictures that are decorating this post.

Do you see what I'm saying? They just had to be taken! Even though that man came up later and told me not too...I really like the lizard, he just looks so proud. He was enjoying the heat from the lamp above.

Got to go back to work now!

Monday, January 11

Saturday, January 9

Food for Thought

Last night I had the best food that I had ever eaten. No, that is not a exaggeration or a myth. It is a cold hard fact. I do count in all those meals that I ate at all those stuffed up fancy restaurants and the wonderful stuff at the ice cream parole that makes that kind of ice cream that just melts in your mouth like no tomorrow. This is what I am talking about. The food that feds the soul, the stuff that you would wish that you could eat after your long past gone. The stuff of legends. This, my friends, is what I am talking about.

Rosemary-Orange Pork Chops and Lemon-Butter Broccoli

Tell me, doesn't that just sound good? I think, it sounds better than anything on a bun. It all started by my mother recruiting me to zest the lemon and the smashing all the juice out. Then watching enchanted at the the oven was filled to the brim with boiling and simmering pots. Their scents dashing throughout the house, carrying the smell of lemon and orange.

Fine kill me if you want. Its a Rachel Ray dish, but I must say. She knows how to make a killer pork chops, yes?

Well after slaving over the zest and juice. I went to work on the parsley. It was so green and vibrant I just had to take a picture of it. I munched on my first (raw) parsley as I happily chopped up the rest. Day dreaming, as an consumer of food would, how all these different things and plants were going to interact. 

The goodies later went in with some rosemary orange concoction and then in the every every end dived in and made a place right next to the chops.

The broccoli (or broccolini depending if your Rachel Ray or not) went through my knife next turning into strips. Then they went and had a dance in some water until they're bright green and just right. Then in some magical way that I didn't catch got infused (is that the right word?) with the lemon zest.

In the end they were a little powerful for me but they still tasted really good.


Finally after a few more minutes of me hovering behind my mother asking her, "Will it be ready soon? Will it be ready now?" We sat down and ate the meal. There was no words to describe such a refreshing new meal. So I will give you the picture that will speak a thousand words, then I will go off to skip down some road of any color to daydream of having the Rosemary-Orange Pork Chops and Lemon-Butter Broccoli once again.

Wednesday, January 6

Holidays Blues

The holidays have wined down and regular life has settled back down. All that built up joy and fun cools down for another year as school/jobs/life begins. Somehow you have to wonder what it would be like if it was one big party all the time. I think that it would get boring after a while.

Doing the same thing over every day has become a comfort. You know what's going to happen every day. It must sound weird. It must sound boring. But I can find time to explore what I really want to do with my life. I thrive on it.

We took down the Christmas tree a few days ago, I took pictures as we were doing it. Wrapping up the lights. Trash bagging up the tree and hauling it up stairs for another year.

Many of the ornaments have stories and ideas attached to them. Some remind me of friends, some who left me behind in the dust to pursue what they wanted to do. Their ornaments that I bought the year before for them now hang on my tree instead of theirs. I still smile as I remember all the good times, though in my heart I still remember the day clearly when I realized that we had drifted apart.

Others better memories, a man made out of multi-colored balls, strung together by metal. Most of the balls cracked or shattered. His printed face still smiling up at me with the same joy. This was the toy that I played with went I was a kid, dancing him up and down the branches of the tree. Meeting new friends, discovering the lights, and even having parties. Nothing sometimes compares to rediscovering what you discovered when you were little.

My time to write is winding down and school is started to glare at me, I better go now!


Saturday, January 2

Happy New Year

I always freak out at the thought of a new year, it's true. I do. Though most of the time I don't show it. It boils up inside of me like whispering, "another year is going by Brightfrost, sometime that you'll never get back, what are you going to do about that Brightfrost? You even getting older too."  But it be honest it's just like alot of things, going on stage to dance for one thing, you freak out backstage but once your on, you don't even have a shadow of a doubt in your mind.

That's what happened this morning when I woke up, I sighed and realized that it was just another day. Funny how we can make such big deals out of such little things? Yesterday, we went out to eat at a pancake spot and I enjoyed to seriously good strawberry pancakes. I think the waiter thought that I was a little crazy drawing in my notebook as my family talks around me. They know that I will participate in the conversation if there is something that I need/want to talk about.

After that we went shopping and crashed at the bookstore. After that we went to see Sherlock Holmes. It was good, not great but good. It held my attention for a few hours but I wasn't riveted. The plot within the plot was good though.

The music was  really annoying.

That plus the guy in front of me kept balling his paper sack making as much noise as possible. 

That's all today.

ps. Happy New Year!