Sunday, August 2

I know

You are going to kill me for not updating...aren't you?

Ah well...that's life. Life seems to have a way of getting under our skin and push us around until we are spinning in circles! I also seem to have this problem of making up post(s) on the run and when I sit down to write them I go blank. Like now. >.<>
  • Attempting to jump on the writing bandwagon
  • Keeping up on my house
  • Loving Quin and keeping up with her up keep
  • Musically inept of doing anything worth showing anybody (but I keep trying)
  • Drawing and learning (the moment it's gravity and force)
  • Dancing my feet off
  • Three words: School is COMING!!!!
  • Keeping up the Internet life of "Brightfrost"
  • Friends and family
  • Starving for NEW music
  • Keeping up with my obsessions
  • Doing everything above! :)
    • Yep, that's my life at the moment! WOOT! Sounds fun doesn't it?

      I believe that I have invisible followers would you mind please become visible?


      -originally written August 2, 2009

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