Saturday, October 10


But the next couple days I will not be able to blog...I'm sorry. I'm busy with family. :)

Will try to blog on Tuesday if not Monday

Summary: Absence of a blog

Thursday, October 8

Inked my Hand

Sorry, no picture! I was busy yesterday it is was really like I just got up, blinked, and crashed back in the bed. Seriously, seemed just like that. Anyways, I wrote a really cool quote and started messing around with it. I wrote on my hand:

"Now this is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps the end of the beginning." -Churchhill

I thought it was a clever use of words, but then I went back the next day after it had faded and rewrote a few words, making them bolded (underlined here since you can't tell otherwise):

"Now, this is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps the end of the beginning." -Churchhill

Isn't that cool? I thought it was a neat way to mess around with words, but I took a shower and now most of it has washed off.  But I think its something to think about, what the guy is saying, how somethings just may seem like the end of (your) world, but in the end its just the beginning of it. One thing just molding into the next, shaping you as you are now.

Summary: I am not even close to being a philosopher

Tuesday, October 6

Hoppin' Bunny

Quin (my bunny) is being to darn cute now a days. I let her out yesterday night and it was really cute. I had her have rein over my School Room and Kitchen. But for some reason (I can't think of why *winks*) she likes to spend her time being Houdini and escaping valiantly. Here is the battleground: We have an open hall between my School room and the rest of the house, I put her cage there, to block it off, but it's just not big enough so there is a foot of room that I set up a box barricade.

Plopping down in a seat I opened by DS and started to play. Sometime later I realized that I didn't hear any happy bunny running sounds. So I did the logical thing, I looked for her. I chase ensued after I realized that Quintasic invaded the rest of the house. In the end she got tired and one her own accord dashed back into the area that she was supposed to be in. I think she lead me on a goose chase on purpose.

Anyways, I chucked bigger box up and watched as she would hop over to it when she thought that I wasn't looking and then sniff it, before disappearing off. After the thirtieth "bunny pass" she leaped over the top and a chase once again happened.

After then I got tired and she was too and she leaped into her cage and slept. I too went too bed a few minutes later. Friends had worn each other out.

Summary: Don't get a weight-loss teacher, all you need is a bunny called...QUIN!

Monday, October 5

Hoodies Save My Hide

Yes, you read that right, hoodies have been saving my hide. As you know, its cold. Its seems all I like to write about now a days, but it is the only thing that I can think to write about! Anyways, back to the subject, hoodies. I have two of them a white one and a brown one. Every morning I shiver my way out of bed and throw one a pair of jeans and t-shirt with one of the mentioned hoodies thrown on top. This has saved my life for the fact that I am too lazy to go and get my long sleeved shirts/sweaters from their box in the garage.

After I go out and walk the dogs (yippee I can see my breath!) I scurry on home and go on with my day. Even after my morning wake up call sometimes I just go to school in this hoodie. Nobody cares...since I'm home schooled. ;) But only sometimes I do this.

Other times its fun to just scuffle around late at night, clutching a cup of orange juice/hot coco (no coffee for me thank you!), hunching over my back and just glaring at anything that I can set my eyes upon. I even pretend to be grumpy, just to get the effect of it. My dad usually knows this act and is unphased by any of it. He's a real sweetheart.

Ah yes, I just checked up on the weather report for my area, bellow 65 for the next three days! that sounds just GREAT!!! *sigh* Somebody just make it end....

Summary: This is a very pointless blog entry

Sunday, October 4

Headaches love of My Blog

Had an headache until late yesterday, so it was hard for me to type let alone do any blogging. I spend the day at the coffee shop drawing, so here is your post, my sketches:

(click for bigger picture)

Saturday, October 3

Wishing for warmer days

I am the coldest blooded person your will ever meet. Yes, I meant  it when I say cold blooded, but not in the way you think. I mean it in the matter that when there is a slightest breeze in the beginning of winter you are going me, yes, me  sitting in some corner simply covered in blankets and shivering. This is one of the reasons that I hate winter.

At least the first couple months of it anyway, after a while my body will get used to it and I will be fine. Yes, I know that the calendar says: October 3rd. We have had a very cool summer which has been great but this is just not fair. Its 57 outside and the inside of the house is even cooler then that. Which is great in summer months! Winter and fall...not so good.

Finely I felt my finger tips earlier today and realized hat they felt just as cold as the ice in the freezer. It was time to warm up. First of all I put water in for some tea and started running around the house. Literally, I ran around. This is easy because the house is shaped around a courtyard. A big donut if you don't get the picture already.

That got tiring, and I stopped when then the shrill beep from the microwave came. I still wasn't any warmer. Now I am sitting here typing this, mostly reading aloud as I go to make it sound right. Wrapping my hands around my tea and warming my hands temporary. I hope for warm sunny days, but I know none are coming for a very very long time.

Summary: Don't walk in my footsteps, my feet are frozen  

Friday, October 2

Food, Bread & Good Old Tv

Yesterday, I was full. No, not like "boy I am stuffed" it was like, "I-am-really-really-full-my-stomach-is-a-rock" full. Okay here is how my master plan for avoiding house clean up day went. After acing a math test, when school was over I went home and celebrated.

Grabbing a loaf of white bread, softening some butter, and slicing some cheese I was all ready. I threw all of this (along with a knife) on a cutting board and skipped into the living room, happy as a clam. Dropping in some episodes of my favorite Tv series I threw up my legs and ate. Not did I just eat the whole load of bread, 1/4 of the butter and all of the cheese in a manner of an hour I laid there and watched some of my favorite characters go around and beat up the bad guys. I was all alone in the house so I could yell what ever I wanted at the screen with out any funny looks, or discuss a plot/character changed with myself (blame the writer in me).

Then I tried to get up. Have you ever had a heavy backpack or messenger bag strapped to your back and tried to get up? Well imagine that without the said item. That's how I felt. I can recall thinking to myself how stuffed I was and after a few tries dragging my way out of the chair and waddling around the house until I felt better. How is one supposed to do house work if they can barely walk?

Summary: This is how to avoid house work.

Thursday, October 1

My Piano Teacher is...


Yes, that is the word for it. You see...I have a slight problem when it comes to performing. Yes, I am fine going on a stage with big bright lights that practically blind you with a good one hundred to two hundred people watching your every move. Yes, that's right, I am fine with that. But what I can't  do is stand is going in front of twenty or so people in an informal recital and just playing a simple song on the piano.

I know, I know...this is just a crazy little quirk of mine. You see the difference is simple, when I am dancing on stage, I have my friends there to back me up if anything goes wrong. But with the's just me and the instrument. The instrument is my friend but it wouldn't knock me back to my senses if I freeze up like my friend had to do to me once. To me that just sends shivers down my spine. This is I believe has become the quest of my piano teacher...