Saturday, October 3

Wishing for warmer days

I am the coldest blooded person your will ever meet. Yes, I meant  it when I say cold blooded, but not in the way you think. I mean it in the matter that when there is a slightest breeze in the beginning of winter you are going me, yes, me  sitting in some corner simply covered in blankets and shivering. This is one of the reasons that I hate winter.

At least the first couple months of it anyway, after a while my body will get used to it and I will be fine. Yes, I know that the calendar says: October 3rd. We have had a very cool summer which has been great but this is just not fair. Its 57 outside and the inside of the house is even cooler then that. Which is great in summer months! Winter and fall...not so good.

Finely I felt my finger tips earlier today and realized hat they felt just as cold as the ice in the freezer. It was time to warm up. First of all I put water in for some tea and started running around the house. Literally, I ran around. This is easy because the house is shaped around a courtyard. A big donut if you don't get the picture already.

That got tiring, and I stopped when then the shrill beep from the microwave came. I still wasn't any warmer. Now I am sitting here typing this, mostly reading aloud as I go to make it sound right. Wrapping my hands around my tea and warming my hands temporary. I hope for warm sunny days, but I know none are coming for a very very long time.

Summary: Don't walk in my footsteps, my feet are frozen  

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