Friday, October 2

Food, Bread & Good Old Tv

Yesterday, I was full. No, not like "boy I am stuffed" it was like, "I-am-really-really-full-my-stomach-is-a-rock" full. Okay here is how my master plan for avoiding house clean up day went. After acing a math test, when school was over I went home and celebrated.

Grabbing a loaf of white bread, softening some butter, and slicing some cheese I was all ready. I threw all of this (along with a knife) on a cutting board and skipped into the living room, happy as a clam. Dropping in some episodes of my favorite Tv series I threw up my legs and ate. Not did I just eat the whole load of bread, 1/4 of the butter and all of the cheese in a manner of an hour I laid there and watched some of my favorite characters go around and beat up the bad guys. I was all alone in the house so I could yell what ever I wanted at the screen with out any funny looks, or discuss a plot/character changed with myself (blame the writer in me).

Then I tried to get up. Have you ever had a heavy backpack or messenger bag strapped to your back and tried to get up? Well imagine that without the said item. That's how I felt. I can recall thinking to myself how stuffed I was and after a few tries dragging my way out of the chair and waddling around the house until I felt better. How is one supposed to do house work if they can barely walk?

Summary: This is how to avoid house work.

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