Friday, December 18


My Pets


 Quinhywvar (quin-HA-var), but since no one knows how to spell it/pronounce it, Quin became her nickname. She is a dwarf bunny about four pounds and she has filled every ounce of that with her spunkyness. Little did I know when I got her she would be the attitude full, bouncy white and black puff of fur that I had ever had. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Her birthday is February, 21, 2009.


Our family has adopted a dog, a small, little eleven pound chiwawa/rat terrier. She is sweet as can be and should have a golden medal for Best Lap Dog award. She hates having her picture taken

Her birthday is, December, 15, 2007

The Other Dogs

My job is a dogwalker, these are my dogs that I walk. I have grow seriously close to both of them, to the degree that I (and my family) calls them my "boyfriends".


 Rebel is mini sheltie, and has a very interesting personality, mostly he thinks that he is king of the world. Which at his house, he is. A retired show dog, he loves to prance and be the center of attention. Of course, he was (and still is) deeply offended that I added Satchel to our pack a few months later. He's really sweet under all that pride.


Satchel is a big puppy dog and the polar oppisite of Rebel. He loves to play. Sometime when I first arrive and he know that we are going for a walk he'll dance for me, jumping up and down, wiggling and just being a plain happy dog. He's a Lab and weights enough to knock me over. Luckly he isn't aware of his strength or else I would have a dislocated shoulder.

Other pictures:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your pictures, I think their cool.