Friday, August 14

They are Coming

I have been having internet problems so it is hard to get time to post. They'll be there tomorrow.



Tomorrow I am going to a fair! I'll have to tell you all about it! YAY!
that's it.

Thursday, August 13

The Art of


yes, that's right chewing. My Bunny; Quin has learned about the art of eating and munching. It is her new thing...a have a box in her cage and now all she does is nudge it this way and that. Throwing litter everywhere in between. To my joy mind you, I just LOVE spending my whole day crawling around on the floor picking up dried poop and litter! AH YES! The joys in life! ;)

But if that's she wants to do, that is what see is going to do and nothing is going to stop her! She is one determined little bunny!


Wednesday, August 12

News is Random

Random News #1


She is one of the best dragon artist on Deviant art that I have found. Her dragons are cool and different. Enjoy! ;) AND there is a story behind them.

Random News #2:

I am obsessed now. I am obsessed with Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's a TV show, and it's amazing and cool and I wish that it hadn't stopped showing. *hums with obsessed-ness* I like it...alot

Random News #3

I need to clean out the fridge again. :( If you don't understand read the post "Welcome To the Fridge" I don't know if I'll have the strength to survive.

Yep, I know that my posts are meager at best but nothing has happened!


Tuesday, August 11

Blue kitten

My friend's cat had a blue tongue for licking up her blue ink.
My rabbit was pink went she rolled in pink dust.
My friend and I dislike colored creatures...yet...
why do we have blue kittens and pink rabbits?
This is the world's greatest question

Monday, August 10


This is an amazing music video. I just have to put on my blog.
If you can believe it, this wasn't created by the artists but someone's personal project.

Sunday, August 9

Oh boy...

Yes, I had some things to say about that movie. A few things, though I never thought, in a million years that the producer would comment my *cough cough*gut ripping*cough cough* review.
Steve, there is no way to describe my horror as I read those first couple sentences. I knew what I had wrote and how bad I had wronged the movie. In the back of my mind I always thought that I was in this little void in the Internet that no one ever reads.
But to my agreed with me! Firstly I want to apologize for not reviewing earlier. I have been gone for a bit, and thus had the review on your movie "Dragon Hunter" on auto.
I understand now why the movie was bad, with a bad budget anything and everything can go wrong and hope you great success with the next one.
If you didn't realize before...I would like a bit more dragon in the next one. ;)

Saturday, August 8


"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."


(writer's block)

Friday, August 7

Greates Search Engine

"The best search engine is the human brain."

(yes, I do have writier's/blogger's block, thus quotes)

Thursday, August 6

A complete fallout

I had one of those really annoying days yesterday, I went out shopping with my friend to get some junk that I needed, this was my list:

-Library (books)
-Duffel Bag
-Swim Suit
-Spirited Away (the movie)
-Cash checks

I am going away (technically I am away right now), but there were things that I needed to get. So I went to the Library and searched for books to read. I found a series I wanted to read, tried to find the first book...guess what? It was checked out. Okay, I thought to myself, there are alot more books out there.

Found another series, first book was gone. Discover another series, checked out. etc etc until I had gone through at least ten different series! Annoyed I started to leave and then a book caught my eye, and guess what???? The first book was there! I was sssooo happy. Until I read the back.

It was about a man slowly loosing his mind due to his family and that he was trying to regain it back. I felt like screaming. I left, with only a measly four books. Crossed out Library (since it really didn't happen for me). I WAS SERIOUSLY BUMMED.

Anyway, we went to the local food shop and grabbed the snacks that I needed and some other stuff. Though my friend couldn't find what she needed so I was unhappy about that. Then we to Best Buy to get the next thing on the list of junk, the movie.

They had it but it was a full *#$^!?@ 23 bucks!!! I was feeling miserable.
So miserable that I didn't even bother to go check on the swim suit or duffel bag.
Last thing on the list, cash checks. Due to some annoying complications, I couldn't.
I felt like crying.
I went home and packed in a pool of unhappiness.

Wednesday, August 5

Movie Review: Dragon Hunter

Dragon Hunter
I had hopes about this movie. I truly did, I looked at the front and a bit of hope that there was one good dragon movie was out there and that I was going to watch it.
That hope was squashed in the first fifteen minutes.
It opened with a scene that was confusing and seemingly had no point, even after you finished it. There were roughly ten minutes of "real" action in a ninety minute "action" movie.
Even with those action minutes they were rough and it was like the person shooting the shot had too much sugar how the camera kept jumping right and left. It made me sink to my stomach. Seriously I didn't feel that well.
The characters were all flawed and cliched in every way that you could possibly think.
In the end my friend and I were both cheering and yelling at the top of our lungs: "DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! FALL OFF A CLIFF! BURN 'M DRAGON!!!" at the actors. Yes, we hated it that much.
Another thing, the actors were bad, they were all trying to be these cool and travel worn people, but ending up making their characters worst.
The dragon was okay, besides the fact that we got our first good look at him in the last five minutes of the film...before he died. *sigh* Why can't people make a good dragon film?

Tuesday, August 4

Welcome to the Fridge

Yep, welcome to the wonderful world of the fridge. What does this mean you ask? Well....think of it this way...

fridge + a month of food coming in + the return of other pieces of food + fruit + expiration dates
Cleaning day

Yes, you heard right. it is the dreaded day *insert screaming and dreadful horror music*. I daunted my best armor and grabbing my best weapon (plastic gloves) I charged into the fridge with an uncaring mood. I didn't know what I was getting into.

I feel bad for myself.

The first thing to strike was the rotten steaks ([all of these are guesses] four weeks of age) I gagged and quickly dragged the trash can and defeated them along with the lettuce (2 weeks), yogurt (2 weeks) and the strawberries (4 weeks).

Then the next monster was the cantaloupe that was residing in the back, brooding. It stank up the whole house that I had to open the windows. DO YOU KNOW WHAT COLOR MOLD GROWS ON CANTALOUPE???? PINK! PINK NASTY STUFF!! I still have a scar.

A half an a hour later I was lying, staring up at the ceiling wondering if i was really done. There was a clean fridge and bursting trash bag (It was burned). I was ssooo happy until I realized that my work was not done, there was a pile of dirty dishes all waiting on the floor to be washed.

Wonderful, just wonderful I thought to myself and grabbed my sponge and got to work. I felt very proud of myself, when I looked back and saw a clean kitchen that was free of any monster of any sort.

Of course that was before I turned around a saw the living room...
but that is another story for another day.

Monday, August 3

A bumbling Rhino

As I have said before I am not very good at music (my teacher thinks otherwise) but still. There was a few things that I need to probably work on.

Like dynamics (dynamics: How loud or soft that you play part of the music), I was *attempting* to play a nice waltz piece, it was hard and I was having trouble play the right notes. But I somehow got though the whole thing with out any major fumble.

I was very proud to say the least.

Of course until my teacher sat back in her chair, gave me a pain expression, and then I knew that it wasn't as great as I thought it was. My piano teacher then sat up in the chair and said in an almost laughing tone (she wasn't laughing at me):

The notes were perfect, to a point, but I must say...your dynamics
went out waltzing out the door or to put it better it sounded like a
bunch of rhinos came in danced, with all your blunking
and dunking.
We both ending up laughing, I do take piano seriously but we are both goofballs at times and together it's like a big ol' party with a piano.

I should go back to my bumbling party of rhinos and shoo those creatures away and invite *beautiful and graceful* dancers with *big and fluffy* dresses. LOL I liked the rhinos more!

-written originally August, 2, 2009

Be wise

Be wise and don't listen to the monkey.
(writer's block)

Sunday, August 2

I know

You are going to kill me for not updating...aren't you?

Ah well...that's life. Life seems to have a way of getting under our skin and push us around until we are spinning in circles! I also seem to have this problem of making up post(s) on the run and when I sit down to write them I go blank. Like now. >.<>
  • Attempting to jump on the writing bandwagon
  • Keeping up on my house
  • Loving Quin and keeping up with her up keep
  • Musically inept of doing anything worth showing anybody (but I keep trying)
  • Drawing and learning (the moment it's gravity and force)
  • Dancing my feet off
  • Three words: School is COMING!!!!
  • Keeping up the Internet life of "Brightfrost"
  • Friends and family
  • Starving for NEW music
  • Keeping up with my obsessions
  • Doing everything above! :)
    • Yep, that's my life at the moment! WOOT! Sounds fun doesn't it?

      I believe that I have invisible followers would you mind please become visible?


      -originally written August 2, 2009