Thursday, April 30


It has been raining for atleast five days in a row. Yesh. That's really sorta depressing. *sigh* Tomorrow is Friday...and the real plot of my story starts!

I have studying to be done.

Wednesday, April 29


Triop day somethingwhatandanother

*que the I'm not awake scene*


*stumbles toward* I'm not awake...last night I spent attempting to take pictures of Ghost the Triop.

*yawns* Couldn't so I took a video instead (upload later). Yay me, this morning I took a better picture. Ghost is eating her morning meal of greens.

I'm just going to go back to bed now *stumbles off* (mumbles) I can't believe that you guy are interested in my life....

Eating morning meal

Monday, April 27

Do you know what's fun?

Having this song stuck in your head

Edit: found original video, better picture ^-^

Sunday, April 26

Scaled dragon

For my story that I am working I often have my dragon trampling/walking on/flying near/burning/carrying things. I often have to think if this is possible. So I drew this scaled drawing.

You can probably tell that the white dragon is victim of my doodle. Artemis is used for human and Holly fairy. Yes, you don't have to remind me how bad my humanoids are. I know...*sigh*
(click for bigger image)
Each slash mark is supposedly a foot. I know once or twice I have gone off this scale for dramatics and fun but now I'm pretty loyal to it.

Dog Tags

I bought myself a pair of dog tags, now you can spot me from a crowd of people *gasp* I have two gold ones. the first one has "Brightfrost" printed one it.
Can you find me? If you find me shout: "Hey! Brightfrost! You have a blue and red socks on! So do I! What's up with that?" (no, I probably won't but'll be fun!)
the games begins

Saturday, April 25


*munch* I like toast with butter *munch*
I hate that stuff called: "I can't believe it's not butter" Seriously if your going to have butter have butter! A better title for that would be "I can't believe the chemicals in this butter"
I eat the real thing

Friday, April 24

The Monster's Lair

Ah...I don't think today's post is coming, no sign on Dragon that's its done..when I get it I'll update! It's busy. I am still enjoying walking Rebel even though I have done it for three weeks. I really like him.
The house is a mess...I need to sharpen my cleaning sword and start slaying those creapy room has seemed to turn into their lair...they allow me to sleep but then throw me out and lock me out!
Maybe tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 22

Reviews on Reviews!

AyameAkako -Yey the dragons freed horray :D GO DRAGON GO

Yes, he is...but...ah how do I say phyically...yes...but does that mean anything these days? :D

Holly Marie Fowl -A TOWEL! I know that one! Sorry. . . Anyway, fantastic job with this story! :D:D:D ~HMF

Thanks! I am glad that you really like it! We haven't even broken into the real week probably. Congrats! You got the did everybody else. >.<

affan13-WOW! this looks like a good story.. no kid. Well I considered it bieng a dragon, Griffindor, or Pheonix. Keep up the Good Work!Btw.. good details.

thanks! That was the main part of the reason I started this story...I wanted to devlope my details skills. But let's say it turned in to a bit more than that. I never thought about a Pheonix before...maybe a future story... O.o

Liris- A towel, that riddle's easy.

Skullduck: You've heard it before, that's why.

Me: Shh! No one else knows that!

Ok, so your last one was better ,but still. I know the answer this time!

Skullduck: Shouldn't you talk about the story?

Me: Oh, yeah, right. Well, nice one, I like a lot. I still wasnt more scenes with Artemis and HOlly in, and maybe a little A/H, but this is good and I like it.

Where'd the dragon go?

Love Liris and Skullduckx

P.S, a riddle of my own for you:

The one who makes it sells it.

The one who buys it doesn't use it.

The one who uses it doesn't know it.

What is it?

oh the irorny. How did you know that I can't guess a riddle for the world? >.<>

Thanks to Liris, affan13, Holly Marie Fowl , bob115, and AyameAkako for reviewing/guessing the riddle right! Chocolate Cookies for you!

Till Friday...



I woke up to the sound of geese screaming on our roof, a very nice sound to be woken up 6 in the morning. >.< *sigh* ah well...they were on my neighbor's neighbor's roof two days ago. they must be making the rounds. :D

Ghost (the Triop) is good. It said you could put raw carrots in his diet so I took a knife and spent ten minutes shaving down a into Triop sized pieces. I dumped them in there and he zoomed over to them and started to munch...then he just spit it out and swam away. I was like: You have to be kidding me! Of course he likes the Triop food better than the carrots I slaved over!

Oh yeah, Ghost is about a cm with out the tail and a cm and a half with it. I can see his feet humming along, his three creepy looking eyes and he is darkening in color.

yep that's about it from here!


PS. I will upload the chapter tonight, I am going to be gone all day at class and won;t be able to make the changes that Dragon (yes, he edits and terrifies people) made. Dragon is pretty useful.

Monday, April 20

ADDICTED!!!/Triops: Day 7

Right now I am ssoo addicted to the game that I am playing on my DS. It's called "Final Fantasy: The Ring of Fates" O.o ITS TOO GOOD! Even though the price was alittle hard to get down it was welll worth it. I'm ssso addicted that I can't seem to stop playing (already racked up eleven hours of play).

Yeah, its basically about this brother and sister and about their crazy adventures...yeah, someday I will get a real summery. :) Here's some pictures

Oh yeah, Ghost (as he is now called) is doing well. He's growing like crazy! At about half a cm (he's not big enough for inches) he buzzes around the tank eating his food, eggs and baby Triops.

That's about it.

Sunday, April 19

Triops: Day Six

Yesterday I went out to our not-so-near-by Hobby Lobby which is an half an hour away! >.< After coming back home I dumped the "teabag" in the water to prepare the water, even though I had kept the old one in there (6:45 PM). Then after an hour I dumped the eggs in and left (7:45). At ten I came back to check on them and I pracitally fell over! After taking a few pictures to just prove that I was awake I stumbled off to bed with the thought that we all get when things go wrong: "I'll deal with it in the morning"

In the tank was a Triop the size of the one that had died a earlier (he was 3 days old)! It's still there and eating all the eggs and hatchings. ITS THE GHOST OF THE DEAD TRIOP! *Que screaming and frantically running people* The other Triop died when I changed out the water in the tank because of algae. It died of moving and the water not being "fixed" by the teabag.

To answer some questions I made this a Q&A

Random Person-RP

RP- wow do you think he stuck to the side of the tank when you cleaned it out?
B-no I really don't think so. When I put in the remaining Triop I am pretty sure that the water was the "kiss" of death. From what I read they are very acute to the water's type and temp.That night that the Triop died I turned off the light at night. It would of "froze" from the lack of heat.

RP-maybe it just had an accelerated growth?
B-I don't hatched and grew to the size of a three day old in two and a half hours? That seems highly unlikely

RP-WOW! What do you think that you are going to do next?
B-Since it's eating I think I'll treat it like it's alive, which it must be. I'll go by the instructions in the pack.

Yeah...anybody think they know what happened?

Friday, April 17

Triops: Day Four

The last Triop is dead. I know what I did wrong. Tomorrow I am going to get more eggs and start over.


Sorry my little Triop....


Reviews on Reviews: The 9th Race

Liris:If I ignore the riddle, will your dragon still hurt me?
Skullduck: Translation-She doesn't have a clue. Please, tell her so she'll stop worrying. Oh, and tell your dragon not hurt me, ok?
Me: *sulks a little* Your story is good, and I demand more arty and Holly scenes! Please?
Love Liris and Skullduck

He's not after you, right now he's sleeping, chasing sheep in his dreams. >,<

HollyMaireFowl: I have not clue about the riddle. I suck at riddles. Unless I have heard them before.
Anyways, I feel bad for Swann. Nobody messed with Artemis and walks away from it...intact, that is.

Fantastic Story!


Your Right. Some with their lives others with their mind. MUHAHAHAHA!!!!!! (sorry I had too)

Grimoire Heart: Arty~~!!!
But I felt that you could've went in with describing how Unwin knew of Arty though.
I mean well, He's not exactly Leonardo DiCaprio...yet
And Artemis's replies seem somewhat...illogical...for a genius like him...ish
nvm, ignore that~
And I have no idea about the riddle, BTW

No, I won't ignore that! I see what your saying. As you know Swann makes it pretty clear that she doesn't like this geniuses. So I would think that Artemis would try to make it seem like he isn't trying to get it with his "smarts" more or less he was trying to convince her that he wanted to be part of know what? I think that is one of my many plot holes! Congrats on finding it!

Midnightwaters: Ah dragons for the 9th Race. I've seen another fanfic using that idea before, and it was...not up to my standards, to say the least, so I was a bit apprehensive when I clicked on your story. But I must say that I'm glad that I did. The plight of the captured dragon is interesting, the banter between Artemis and Holly makes me smile and your first chapter? (or quote, I should say.) Brilliant.

You make me feel all warm and fuzzy with that comment! Seriously you do! *fuzz* I would like to know about the other story...I am very interested to see what they did. I'm glad that you like the bantering (there is more to come), capturing, and the first chapter. The story behind that was...if people would only take one thing from the story it would be that quote. It gets more and more meaningful as the story progresses. It has a special place in my heart. Thus the reason that every time you open my story you see it, I want people to remember it.

You and many others are what keep me going. I have four more chapters to be written before the story is over. I am struggling at the end, the last mile before the race is over. I need to pick an ending, I have two and if I chose one I don't think that I could be able to make a another story unless I worked really hard. The other is...I can't tell you that or else it would ruin the whole ending what ever I chose!

Thank you: Midnightwaters, AyameAkako, Holly Marie Fowl, Fowlfan, Liris, Bob115, Grimoire Heart, and acg452.

I can't wait for the next chapter! It is one of my favorites!

Thursday, April 16

Triops: Day 3

The Triops are doing well. I counted three or four today. The two from yesterday doubled in size last night and they have mostly stopped jerking around. One likes to swim in circles were as the other likes to try and push though the glass. Very interesting, I stared at them for an half an hour to try and see if there was any patterns in their swimming. There were none, no surprise there.

Some mucus or something is growing on the bottom...they get stuck in it. This isn't good, I really don't know what to do about it. I used a tweezers and tried to extracted some of it. Almost impossible I learned. I am thinking about catching the Triops and then go in and get rid of it, but it said not to disturb the tank. Too late for that, a moth fell in last night and drowned.
Till Tomorrow!


Wednesday, April 15

Triops: Day 2

Today is the second day and when I woke up I stumbled over to the tank and stared in there for five minutes. Looking for babies. None had arrived. The eggs that I dumped in last night were all still clinging to the side of the tank. I went away rejected....for three or four hours.

Came back and glanced at it again. Nothing that I could see so I when out and when I came back, I looked in the tank again and I yelled to my cousin: "We have achieved dinosaurs!" (of course he just mumbled something along the lines of 'okay' and shuffled off to the guest bed room, texting)

I partied by myself. I gleefully ate a marshmallow bunny for the births.

From what I can tell I have two mini tiny weeny Triops the size of dust. They jerk around in the water and run into the glass but THEY ARE THERE! Maybe they have got used to their 36-74 legs that they use to propel around. :) I took a picture...what do you think? (click on it to get a bigger version)

There is one!
Tomorrow I get to feed them!

Rebel Idol

American Idol: Last night I watched American Idol and I thought that Kris rocked last night with "Falling Slowly". It was one of his best. But I'm the only one that thinks that Adam with "Born to be Wild" was utterly horrible? Why is he even in this thing? I really am not a fan of his, KRIS WAS BETTER!!!!

On other news I got a picture of the dog that I am walking. His name is Rebel:
Isn't he the cutest?? It's funny he walks like he is king, prancing down the street, throwing out his legs his way and that. I think sometimes his head is in the clouds. But he is the sweetest dog in the world. I really enjoy walking him.

I'll update you on the Triop news later...when something (hopefully) happens.

Tuesday, April 14

Triops: Day 1

(yes I know it was the 3rd since I last did anything)

Today I got Triops (little dinos that outlasted the big ones AKA fish). Anyway I have been wanting to try them (just call me a geek now) and a few days ago I went out and got a the eggs. Yay. A paper envelope with enough ink on it for five pages on printed text mind you. So I am going to write about what happens with them. I am sorta excited about it.

First thing on the list is to take the bottled water and dump it in a bowl. Done. Shine a light in the bowl and wait for the water to reach 60-70 degrees. Check. Drop tea thingy in there to do something special to the water and wait four hours. I'm waiting the four hours.

I have been sitting there in my chair watching water for a half an hour. Very boring. Then after the four hours you dump the eggs in and wait ANOTHER 18-30 hours for the eggs to hatch.
this is alot of waiting for me
guess what?

So I took some pictures:

The (very) thrilling eggs

My model watching the water for me...

we're still waiting.

three hours and twenty-seven minutes to go...

Friday, April 3

The 9th Race Review on Reviews

Here I go again replying with your reviews....
and that's it!
*goes off and cries in the corner*

PS: I have stopped writing the story out of sadness...I sorta need to just get going again....*runs off in to pre-made hole and tries to find a way to get started again (fails)*

PSS; *sticks head out of hole* I shouldn't be that selfish and I thank: Fowlfan, Holly Maire Fowl, Midnightwaters, Liris, and Bob115 for motivation that I dearly need! I will try to get started tomorrow and I will blog if I was successful!*disappears*

Thursday, April 2


I have a new job! YAY! I'm dog walking! I have a new best friend called "Rebel". I have to walk him once a day for a mile. He's really sweet. I'll have to take some pictures sometime....
I wanted to start walking anyways...and now I get PAID for it! ^.^

Wednesday, April 1

Guess what?!?!?!

In my 9th Race story I'm going to kill of everybody just for the fun of it!!!
Did you really believe that?
April Fools!