Monday, April 20

ADDICTED!!!/Triops: Day 7

Right now I am ssoo addicted to the game that I am playing on my DS. It's called "Final Fantasy: The Ring of Fates" O.o ITS TOO GOOD! Even though the price was alittle hard to get down it was welll worth it. I'm ssso addicted that I can't seem to stop playing (already racked up eleven hours of play).

Yeah, its basically about this brother and sister and about their crazy adventures...yeah, someday I will get a real summery. :) Here's some pictures

Oh yeah, Ghost (as he is now called) is doing well. He's growing like crazy! At about half a cm (he's not big enough for inches) he buzzes around the tank eating his food, eggs and baby Triops.

That's about it.

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