Monday, December 28

Bears are Awesome for Christmas

I know that I haven't been blogging but I just returned from the holidays. Here is how it when down.

Friday-Drove up to my Grandma's house and went to church
Saturday-Enjoyed the day, relaxed with family and friends then went home
Sunday-own personal Christmas

It was all pretty cool, I wished for a white Christmas and Santa must have been looking for something to do because now we have about five inches of the white stuff. I even walked the dogs, it wasn't that bad, a little on the cold side mind you be otherwise pretty nice. Making a snowman is still on the list. I would like to make a dragon out of snow but there isn't enough snow for that. 

Oh well....
I also got some amazing Christmas gifts, including a DSi, and a book that I really wanted (that's another post).

But what I wanted to talk about was this book that I got for Christmas. It's called "Bear Portraits" by Jill Greensberg. I spotted the book from a mile away from the center hall. A second later I was enchanted by the pure quality of the bears in the 104 pages book. They were all from such a different perspective then what most people see. Yes, they still have the cute fuzzy teddy bears...

Friday, December 25

Merry Christmas!

I'm away right now if your wondering where I am. Sorry, the holidays calls! Most probably I will blog on Monday.

Thanks and merry christmas!


Wednesday, December 23

Its Raining Cats and Dogs, but mostly Dogs

Seriously, sometimes things can be fun in the craziest ways. Like today, it was raining cats and dogs. Any reasonable person would stay home and when they see someone walking out in it they would say: "Boy, it's raining so hard out side why would anybody in their right mind want to walk in this weather?"
That person would be correct, no one on their right mind would be walking. Unless you are me. Walking the downpour. With the Rebel and Satchel. No sign of an umbrella. Singing Christmas songs. Yep, that would be me. But to think about it. It's my job, but also I do it for them. The dogs must of been giving me death glares but there was nothing that I could do. But, I did what I could to make them happier by singing to them to attempt to keep their spirits up. I haven't had any response to see if my off tune and horse voice worked.
I personally doubt it though.

I'll tell you if I get a woofing ovation next time I do it.


Monday, December 21

Holly Day Card

This is a Holiday (yes, I can spell it) Card for a friend. Every year I draw a card for my best friend who likes dragons as much as I do. We role play with each other now allot of the time and its really really fun. Basically its two writers going head to head, clashing their plots together and watching the sparks fly. This is one of her characters, Miyuki. A happy go-lucky dragon (as you can tell) that can have fun anywhere.
I like how is turned out, this is my first attempt at snow and I think it turned out okay. Yay!

I wish it would snow so I could go sledding...


Saturday, December 19

Owls of Quirkiness

I went wandering with a friend a few days ago, after stopping and sipping a beverage in 30-28 degree weather...outside. We talked about Christmas and presents, I'm got her a really awesome gift, but I can say because she read this! I want one, but that reminds me, I have to wrap it still!

Anyways, after that, we wandered into a wonderful shop filled with nick nacks that could fill your house to the brim and make your wallet cry out for mercy. You get my point. Armed with a camera I came across these really cool ornaments. They were the size of my fist and really quite me-like.

They just had this great quality of spunkiness and handmadeness to them. The place wasn't that busy and I could snap some pictures when the lady at the cash register wasn't looking. Shhhhhhhhhhh....don't rat me out!  I like the beads for eyes and the nose/beak. Its so simple and understated.

There were so many cool things there, plates made of paper, a cool bird thing, and a dragon kite! I want one of those things....but alas I am a bit to cheap to spend 65 dollars on a hand painted kite.

Don't get me wrong I really really liked it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life goes on...I guess....

Signing off for the day,


The Author

As anybody can guess, I am old enough to write and to understand something about the world. Though not everything, there is always another thing to learn, comprehend, and apply. I write, and I try to do it often. But life does get in the way (*cough-school-*cough*) so things do get in the way. I used to be an active member of Fan Fiction, and I going to be soon. I hope at least.

I draw, allot. More than a normal human. Dragons, humans, still life, it all enchants me and I strive to be able to draw realistically. Hopefully I'll get there. Someday....

I have two wonderful parents, and an awesome bunny. My friends are wonderful and understanding, I wouldn't be who I am without of them. They really inspire me and lift me up when things are on the rougher side.

So, I hope you enjoy this blog.


Friday, December 18

About this Blog

Simply to state, this is the life, in essence of Brightfrost. I blog about any or everything that happens in my life. May it be sad, happy or joyous. As any human being knows, life has it swings and turns and often I am not able to keep up with my life and this blog. That is why the archive has big gaps in it. Interesting isn't it?

I hope you enjoy a bit of look at this strange mess of thoughts, ideas, hopes, dreams, and the creatures around me.


My Pets


 Quinhywvar (quin-HA-var), but since no one knows how to spell it/pronounce it, Quin became her nickname. She is a dwarf bunny about four pounds and she has filled every ounce of that with her spunkyness. Little did I know when I got her she would be the attitude full, bouncy white and black puff of fur that I had ever had. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Her birthday is February, 21, 2009.


Our family has adopted a dog, a small, little eleven pound chiwawa/rat terrier. She is sweet as can be and should have a golden medal for Best Lap Dog award. She hates having her picture taken

Her birthday is, December, 15, 2007

The Other Dogs

My job is a dogwalker, these are my dogs that I walk. I have grow seriously close to both of them, to the degree that I (and my family) calls them my "boyfriends".


 Rebel is mini sheltie, and has a very interesting personality, mostly he thinks that he is king of the world. Which at his house, he is. A retired show dog, he loves to prance and be the center of attention. Of course, he was (and still is) deeply offended that I added Satchel to our pack a few months later. He's really sweet under all that pride.


Satchel is a big puppy dog and the polar oppisite of Rebel. He loves to play. Sometime when I first arrive and he know that we are going for a walk he'll dance for me, jumping up and down, wiggling and just being a plain happy dog. He's a Lab and weights enough to knock me over. Luckly he isn't aware of his strength or else I would have a dislocated shoulder.

Other pictures:

Thursday, November 5

Yes, I know

As family things came up other things (aka: this blog) had to be pressed down to be able to handle everything in my daily life. Then school hit like tital wave like this "swoosh" and laptop (the life of Brightfrost) died. But I could see it coming and backed up all my files before hand. Yay me.

All I have time to think about is anything besides the big four: eat. sleep. school. bunny. you can see...blogging is not there. *weak smile*

Well, here I go again blogging right before I go out of town. >.<

I have tacked up a little sign saying if I'm in town or not.

just A little update before my computer dies for lack of battery... :D


Saturday, October 10


But the next couple days I will not be able to blog...I'm sorry. I'm busy with family. :)

Will try to blog on Tuesday if not Monday

Summary: Absence of a blog

Thursday, October 8

Inked my Hand

Sorry, no picture! I was busy yesterday it is was really like I just got up, blinked, and crashed back in the bed. Seriously, seemed just like that. Anyways, I wrote a really cool quote and started messing around with it. I wrote on my hand:

"Now this is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps the end of the beginning." -Churchhill

I thought it was a clever use of words, but then I went back the next day after it had faded and rewrote a few words, making them bolded (underlined here since you can't tell otherwise):

"Now, this is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps the end of the beginning." -Churchhill

Isn't that cool? I thought it was a neat way to mess around with words, but I took a shower and now most of it has washed off.  But I think its something to think about, what the guy is saying, how somethings just may seem like the end of (your) world, but in the end its just the beginning of it. One thing just molding into the next, shaping you as you are now.

Summary: I am not even close to being a philosopher

Tuesday, October 6

Hoppin' Bunny

Quin (my bunny) is being to darn cute now a days. I let her out yesterday night and it was really cute. I had her have rein over my School Room and Kitchen. But for some reason (I can't think of why *winks*) she likes to spend her time being Houdini and escaping valiantly. Here is the battleground: We have an open hall between my School room and the rest of the house, I put her cage there, to block it off, but it's just not big enough so there is a foot of room that I set up a box barricade.

Plopping down in a seat I opened by DS and started to play. Sometime later I realized that I didn't hear any happy bunny running sounds. So I did the logical thing, I looked for her. I chase ensued after I realized that Quintasic invaded the rest of the house. In the end she got tired and one her own accord dashed back into the area that she was supposed to be in. I think she lead me on a goose chase on purpose.

Anyways, I chucked bigger box up and watched as she would hop over to it when she thought that I wasn't looking and then sniff it, before disappearing off. After the thirtieth "bunny pass" she leaped over the top and a chase once again happened.

After then I got tired and she was too and she leaped into her cage and slept. I too went too bed a few minutes later. Friends had worn each other out.

Summary: Don't get a weight-loss teacher, all you need is a bunny called...QUIN!

Monday, October 5

Hoodies Save My Hide

Yes, you read that right, hoodies have been saving my hide. As you know, its cold. Its seems all I like to write about now a days, but it is the only thing that I can think to write about! Anyways, back to the subject, hoodies. I have two of them a white one and a brown one. Every morning I shiver my way out of bed and throw one a pair of jeans and t-shirt with one of the mentioned hoodies thrown on top. This has saved my life for the fact that I am too lazy to go and get my long sleeved shirts/sweaters from their box in the garage.

After I go out and walk the dogs (yippee I can see my breath!) I scurry on home and go on with my day. Even after my morning wake up call sometimes I just go to school in this hoodie. Nobody cares...since I'm home schooled. ;) But only sometimes I do this.

Other times its fun to just scuffle around late at night, clutching a cup of orange juice/hot coco (no coffee for me thank you!), hunching over my back and just glaring at anything that I can set my eyes upon. I even pretend to be grumpy, just to get the effect of it. My dad usually knows this act and is unphased by any of it. He's a real sweetheart.

Ah yes, I just checked up on the weather report for my area, bellow 65 for the next three days! that sounds just GREAT!!! *sigh* Somebody just make it end....

Summary: This is a very pointless blog entry

Sunday, October 4

Headaches love of My Blog

Had an headache until late yesterday, so it was hard for me to type let alone do any blogging. I spend the day at the coffee shop drawing, so here is your post, my sketches:

(click for bigger picture)

Saturday, October 3

Wishing for warmer days

I am the coldest blooded person your will ever meet. Yes, I meant  it when I say cold blooded, but not in the way you think. I mean it in the matter that when there is a slightest breeze in the beginning of winter you are going me, yes, me  sitting in some corner simply covered in blankets and shivering. This is one of the reasons that I hate winter.

At least the first couple months of it anyway, after a while my body will get used to it and I will be fine. Yes, I know that the calendar says: October 3rd. We have had a very cool summer which has been great but this is just not fair. Its 57 outside and the inside of the house is even cooler then that. Which is great in summer months! Winter and fall...not so good.

Finely I felt my finger tips earlier today and realized hat they felt just as cold as the ice in the freezer. It was time to warm up. First of all I put water in for some tea and started running around the house. Literally, I ran around. This is easy because the house is shaped around a courtyard. A big donut if you don't get the picture already.

That got tiring, and I stopped when then the shrill beep from the microwave came. I still wasn't any warmer. Now I am sitting here typing this, mostly reading aloud as I go to make it sound right. Wrapping my hands around my tea and warming my hands temporary. I hope for warm sunny days, but I know none are coming for a very very long time.

Summary: Don't walk in my footsteps, my feet are frozen  

Friday, October 2

Food, Bread & Good Old Tv

Yesterday, I was full. No, not like "boy I am stuffed" it was like, "I-am-really-really-full-my-stomach-is-a-rock" full. Okay here is how my master plan for avoiding house clean up day went. After acing a math test, when school was over I went home and celebrated.

Grabbing a loaf of white bread, softening some butter, and slicing some cheese I was all ready. I threw all of this (along with a knife) on a cutting board and skipped into the living room, happy as a clam. Dropping in some episodes of my favorite Tv series I threw up my legs and ate. Not did I just eat the whole load of bread, 1/4 of the butter and all of the cheese in a manner of an hour I laid there and watched some of my favorite characters go around and beat up the bad guys. I was all alone in the house so I could yell what ever I wanted at the screen with out any funny looks, or discuss a plot/character changed with myself (blame the writer in me).

Then I tried to get up. Have you ever had a heavy backpack or messenger bag strapped to your back and tried to get up? Well imagine that without the said item. That's how I felt. I can recall thinking to myself how stuffed I was and after a few tries dragging my way out of the chair and waddling around the house until I felt better. How is one supposed to do house work if they can barely walk?

Summary: This is how to avoid house work.

Thursday, October 1

My Piano Teacher is...


Yes, that is the word for it. You see...I have a slight problem when it comes to performing. Yes, I am fine going on a stage with big bright lights that practically blind you with a good one hundred to two hundred people watching your every move. Yes, that's right, I am fine with that. But what I can't  do is stand is going in front of twenty or so people in an informal recital and just playing a simple song on the piano.

I know, I know...this is just a crazy little quirk of mine. You see the difference is simple, when I am dancing on stage, I have my friends there to back me up if anything goes wrong. But with the's just me and the instrument. The instrument is my friend but it wouldn't knock me back to my senses if I freeze up like my friend had to do to me once. To me that just sends shivers down my spine. This is I believe has become the quest of my piano teacher...

Wednesday, September 30

Sometimes The Weather isn't Fair

Yes, that's right everybody...the weather isn't fair. It has been cold, unhappy and drizziling for the past couple days and I was just getting used to the fact. I had adjusted to the cold, tacking on extra jackets/hats and enjoying the fall leaves as they finally make their turn.

If you remember, I walk two dogs now. One's a small eight year Rebel (mini sheltland) and the other is a four year Satchel (Brown lab). They're my boyfriends, really sweet creatures. But that is not the point of this post is it? The answer is no, no it's not. Ah well...I'll have to do a post on them soon.

I have to walk my friends almost every day (Rebel is all week and Satchel I get Sunday off), So this morning after slogging out of bed and drank my tea realized that something was different. There was sun yes sun shinning happily through the one of the windows. I thought: "NO WAY! IT'S GOING TO BE SUNNY TODAY?" Sad but true, I thought this was the case with mother nature today.

I hopped on my bike and started to ride to my puppydogs I realized that I was wrong, terribly so. Not only was it freezing, there was a wind that was biting straight though my jacket. I was shivering and snuffing the whole time, and guess what? The sun was smiling at me the whole time as I shot death glares at it.

The summary: Mother Nature has a wacked sense of humor.

Monday, September 28

Star Bright

First of all I wanted to thank everybody as I took down my blog for the past...oh...month. As you can see I have taken that time and rehauled the whole blog, shaking it down to its roots. Here is a summary...

This blog is no longer called, "Brightfrost's Blog" because I thought that it was just to boring and plain so I renamed my blog. I like the title. Its better and a step up from the latter. Don't worry, its still the same person behind the keyboard...with hopefully better grammar, prose, and spelling. Though, can anybody tell me were the spelling button went?

Changed it up, making it match my picture, giving it a more "night" look. Smoothing out the look, and taking out half of the sidebars, hence a much more modern look. I for one is pleased with it.

Yes, that's right. Now I have a copyright. Beware!

Are still the same, though there are going to be more of them and more posts,. I am figuring out a way to make everything work.

I am still the same old theory. I will never be able to be for sure.

At the end of *most* posts there is going to be a summary of what the main point was and thus keeping myself and you on track.


My Desktop

as of 12/19/2009

click for bigger picture
To Download (site)

As always, I did not make this one

The Recent Desktop

Friday, August 14

They are Coming

I have been having internet problems so it is hard to get time to post. They'll be there tomorrow.



Tomorrow I am going to a fair! I'll have to tell you all about it! YAY!
that's it.

Thursday, August 13

The Art of


yes, that's right chewing. My Bunny; Quin has learned about the art of eating and munching. It is her new thing...a have a box in her cage and now all she does is nudge it this way and that. Throwing litter everywhere in between. To my joy mind you, I just LOVE spending my whole day crawling around on the floor picking up dried poop and litter! AH YES! The joys in life! ;)

But if that's she wants to do, that is what see is going to do and nothing is going to stop her! She is one determined little bunny!


Wednesday, August 12

News is Random

Random News #1


She is one of the best dragon artist on Deviant art that I have found. Her dragons are cool and different. Enjoy! ;) AND there is a story behind them.

Random News #2:

I am obsessed now. I am obsessed with Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's a TV show, and it's amazing and cool and I wish that it hadn't stopped showing. *hums with obsessed-ness* I like it...alot

Random News #3

I need to clean out the fridge again. :( If you don't understand read the post "Welcome To the Fridge" I don't know if I'll have the strength to survive.

Yep, I know that my posts are meager at best but nothing has happened!


Tuesday, August 11

Blue kitten

My friend's cat had a blue tongue for licking up her blue ink.
My rabbit was pink went she rolled in pink dust.
My friend and I dislike colored creatures...yet...
why do we have blue kittens and pink rabbits?
This is the world's greatest question

Monday, August 10


This is an amazing music video. I just have to put on my blog.
If you can believe it, this wasn't created by the artists but someone's personal project.

Sunday, August 9

Oh boy...

Yes, I had some things to say about that movie. A few things, though I never thought, in a million years that the producer would comment my *cough cough*gut ripping*cough cough* review.
Steve, there is no way to describe my horror as I read those first couple sentences. I knew what I had wrote and how bad I had wronged the movie. In the back of my mind I always thought that I was in this little void in the Internet that no one ever reads.
But to my agreed with me! Firstly I want to apologize for not reviewing earlier. I have been gone for a bit, and thus had the review on your movie "Dragon Hunter" on auto.
I understand now why the movie was bad, with a bad budget anything and everything can go wrong and hope you great success with the next one.
If you didn't realize before...I would like a bit more dragon in the next one. ;)

Saturday, August 8


"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."


(writer's block)

Friday, August 7

Greates Search Engine

"The best search engine is the human brain."

(yes, I do have writier's/blogger's block, thus quotes)

Thursday, August 6

A complete fallout

I had one of those really annoying days yesterday, I went out shopping with my friend to get some junk that I needed, this was my list:

-Library (books)
-Duffel Bag
-Swim Suit
-Spirited Away (the movie)
-Cash checks

I am going away (technically I am away right now), but there were things that I needed to get. So I went to the Library and searched for books to read. I found a series I wanted to read, tried to find the first book...guess what? It was checked out. Okay, I thought to myself, there are alot more books out there.

Found another series, first book was gone. Discover another series, checked out. etc etc until I had gone through at least ten different series! Annoyed I started to leave and then a book caught my eye, and guess what???? The first book was there! I was sssooo happy. Until I read the back.

It was about a man slowly loosing his mind due to his family and that he was trying to regain it back. I felt like screaming. I left, with only a measly four books. Crossed out Library (since it really didn't happen for me). I WAS SERIOUSLY BUMMED.

Anyway, we went to the local food shop and grabbed the snacks that I needed and some other stuff. Though my friend couldn't find what she needed so I was unhappy about that. Then we to Best Buy to get the next thing on the list of junk, the movie.

They had it but it was a full *#$^!?@ 23 bucks!!! I was feeling miserable.
So miserable that I didn't even bother to go check on the swim suit or duffel bag.
Last thing on the list, cash checks. Due to some annoying complications, I couldn't.
I felt like crying.
I went home and packed in a pool of unhappiness.

Wednesday, August 5

Movie Review: Dragon Hunter

Dragon Hunter
I had hopes about this movie. I truly did, I looked at the front and a bit of hope that there was one good dragon movie was out there and that I was going to watch it.
That hope was squashed in the first fifteen minutes.
It opened with a scene that was confusing and seemingly had no point, even after you finished it. There were roughly ten minutes of "real" action in a ninety minute "action" movie.
Even with those action minutes they were rough and it was like the person shooting the shot had too much sugar how the camera kept jumping right and left. It made me sink to my stomach. Seriously I didn't feel that well.
The characters were all flawed and cliched in every way that you could possibly think.
In the end my friend and I were both cheering and yelling at the top of our lungs: "DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! FALL OFF A CLIFF! BURN 'M DRAGON!!!" at the actors. Yes, we hated it that much.
Another thing, the actors were bad, they were all trying to be these cool and travel worn people, but ending up making their characters worst.
The dragon was okay, besides the fact that we got our first good look at him in the last five minutes of the film...before he died. *sigh* Why can't people make a good dragon film?

Tuesday, August 4

Welcome to the Fridge

Yep, welcome to the wonderful world of the fridge. What does this mean you ask? Well....think of it this way...

fridge + a month of food coming in + the return of other pieces of food + fruit + expiration dates
Cleaning day

Yes, you heard right. it is the dreaded day *insert screaming and dreadful horror music*. I daunted my best armor and grabbing my best weapon (plastic gloves) I charged into the fridge with an uncaring mood. I didn't know what I was getting into.

I feel bad for myself.

The first thing to strike was the rotten steaks ([all of these are guesses] four weeks of age) I gagged and quickly dragged the trash can and defeated them along with the lettuce (2 weeks), yogurt (2 weeks) and the strawberries (4 weeks).

Then the next monster was the cantaloupe that was residing in the back, brooding. It stank up the whole house that I had to open the windows. DO YOU KNOW WHAT COLOR MOLD GROWS ON CANTALOUPE???? PINK! PINK NASTY STUFF!! I still have a scar.

A half an a hour later I was lying, staring up at the ceiling wondering if i was really done. There was a clean fridge and bursting trash bag (It was burned). I was ssooo happy until I realized that my work was not done, there was a pile of dirty dishes all waiting on the floor to be washed.

Wonderful, just wonderful I thought to myself and grabbed my sponge and got to work. I felt very proud of myself, when I looked back and saw a clean kitchen that was free of any monster of any sort.

Of course that was before I turned around a saw the living room...
but that is another story for another day.

Monday, August 3

A bumbling Rhino

As I have said before I am not very good at music (my teacher thinks otherwise) but still. There was a few things that I need to probably work on.

Like dynamics (dynamics: How loud or soft that you play part of the music), I was *attempting* to play a nice waltz piece, it was hard and I was having trouble play the right notes. But I somehow got though the whole thing with out any major fumble.

I was very proud to say the least.

Of course until my teacher sat back in her chair, gave me a pain expression, and then I knew that it wasn't as great as I thought it was. My piano teacher then sat up in the chair and said in an almost laughing tone (she wasn't laughing at me):

The notes were perfect, to a point, but I must say...your dynamics
went out waltzing out the door or to put it better it sounded like a
bunch of rhinos came in danced, with all your blunking
and dunking.
We both ending up laughing, I do take piano seriously but we are both goofballs at times and together it's like a big ol' party with a piano.

I should go back to my bumbling party of rhinos and shoo those creatures away and invite *beautiful and graceful* dancers with *big and fluffy* dresses. LOL I liked the rhinos more!

-written originally August, 2, 2009

Be wise

Be wise and don't listen to the monkey.
(writer's block)

Sunday, August 2

I know

You are going to kill me for not updating...aren't you?

Ah well...that's life. Life seems to have a way of getting under our skin and push us around until we are spinning in circles! I also seem to have this problem of making up post(s) on the run and when I sit down to write them I go blank. Like now. >.<>
  • Attempting to jump on the writing bandwagon
  • Keeping up on my house
  • Loving Quin and keeping up with her up keep
  • Musically inept of doing anything worth showing anybody (but I keep trying)
  • Drawing and learning (the moment it's gravity and force)
  • Dancing my feet off
  • Three words: School is COMING!!!!
  • Keeping up the Internet life of "Brightfrost"
  • Friends and family
  • Starving for NEW music
  • Keeping up with my obsessions
  • Doing everything above! :)
    • Yep, that's my life at the moment! WOOT! Sounds fun doesn't it?

      I believe that I have invisible followers would you mind please become visible?


      -originally written August 2, 2009

      Saturday, July 11

      My Little Place was taken

      There is this one place, that I love to go and just sit. I sit there and just watch the world drift by, it is a very good place to think. I love to think there and that is often the place that I settle personal matters and think about the future.

      I go there with Rebel (the dog that I walk) and he sits there and enjoys relaxing. Today we were on our way over there and Rebel loves to run ahead of me and bark up a storm. It must of scared the guy that was sitting at my spot. We left the man in peace.

      ah well...not all things are meant to be.
      I thought on the way back home, it was the same to me.

      Friday, July 10

      Quinhywvar (Quin for short)

      I GOT A PET!!!

      Well, really I have had her for a week or so but its still news! I have a bunny, a dwarf bunny (3lb to 5lb of pure cuteness). She has a great personality! She's playful, loves getting into things (like under book shelves), inquisitive, and loves to get attention.

      The thing she loves to do the most in play 'chase me!' Which in basically when it is time to get back in her cage and she wants to stay out longer. The rules are easy, don't hurt the bunny. I run around a table/wall/chair/etc chasing the bunny while she dashes here and there and kicks up her heels at me saying: "Hey! I'm faster! I bet you can't catch me! Haha!"

      I finally get smart and reverse my running and she dashes straight into my arms. Her names in Quinhywvar (QUIN ha var) or her nickname: Quin

      Here is a picture of her:

      (click for bigger picture)

      Friday, June 26


      No post or update today, sorry, tomorrow I have great news and a happy birthday celebration (not mine).

      Thursday, June 25

      Greetings Earthings!

      HEY THERE!!!

      (sorry, I just felt like giving you a big hello so...)



      DIA DHUIT!

      (And good old)
      ahh yeah....umm...
      I forgot. Oh well...
      How many of you can tell me the languages that I have used in this blog?

      Wednesday, June 24

      Seemingly the almost enemies

      Yes, those are my worst enemies....'seemingly (and it's tenses)' and 'almost'. I over use them wwwwaaayy too much. And Dragon (those who do not know, Dragon is my editor (she is a very nice person)) has to correct me every single time!!!

      Let me give you a few examples:
      • It was seemed as if the man was angry at the woman.
      • Jo jogged up the stairs almost looking like a kangaroo jumping up on rocks.
      • With a almost seemingly (Woah! double punch!) grizzly-like pace Jo lumbered away.
      • (real example) The bare and beaten down wood boards made up the floor and it seemed that every other one sticking up at least an inch.
      • Rebecca seemed happy that she had hugged Jo, though Jo seemingly had other thoughts. Jo almost push her away seemingly undecided about the matter of the hugging woman. Although Rebecca seemed happy that happiness disappeared almost seemingly as fast a water down a pipe!

      In three sentences I used my enemies 6 times. Funny, isn't it? Know you have the seemingly almost invisible disease! LOL Watch it now my friends! You may seem to write with an almost gentle pressure to write those words! But beware! It seems an almost impossible thing to break!


      Your seemingly almost crazy blogger!


      Tuesday, June 23

      Illusions with Writing

      "The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations"
      -Robert A. Monroe 1915
      "I love being a writer. What I hate is paperwork."
      ~Peter de Vries
      I couldn't pick! >.<
      I resume this blog tomorrow

      Sunday, June 21


      "Life is simple

      Humans make it difficult"



      Yes, I'm gone for a few days, so I have a quote for every day (starting today) set on auto. :D I'm going with my Mom to see Grandparents for Father's day, I am sure I will have a story or too.

      Saturday, June 20


      So I woke up this morning, you know, about 7ish and crawled out of bed. Welll I shouldn't say that, I was dragged out of my bed by the person called Miss LIFE! Yes, life. No, nothing happened, I just had to get up, as every person has to do. (annoying isn't it?)

      That is not the reason for this post, anyway Igotoutofbedandgrumbledanddragged myselftomydeskdrankrteaandblahblahblahandblah. Now! Onto the interesting part, one my mail I have my personal account and the other email for ff and other email sites. To look at the new email I have to press a button and I did...and nearly fell of my chair.

      There was 27 unread messages from Fanfiction and 3/4s of it was reviews on my story! You must realize in my half asleep manner I was not really even thinking about Fanfiction, I was just checking my email.

      It was amazing and it took my reviews on my story fro, 72 to 88! It was all from to people, a person called 'x' and another called -warriordude- so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I have never ever had that happen to me before!
      okay, I'm done now

      Goofing off is ending

      Yes, I realized something yesterday my writing on this blog is c**p. I am just goofing off and not trying to do anything that really makes this blog readble! *sigh* What is point of a writer doing a blog of she doesn't try to write? Utter failure.

      Serously, this is horrible, really really horrible. I am a writer and I am doing a this blog with no intention of anything.
      It's ending now. Period.
      Thanks for reading this stuff

      Wednesday, June 17


      I have been thinking about putting Photoshop on my computer...but it takes up ALOT of memory. I have Vista so every little bit of memory that I use...hurts....painfully. Should I rip almost everything off my computer and put it all on sticks, thus having enough memory? Or will I be okay? I have the requirments, but I just wonder how slow will it make my computer?

      Tuesday, June 16

      Connecting the Dots

      I know...I know...I haven't been updating...

      You know I'm skipping breakfast to write this? LOL, Yes I am busy. (don't forget my stomach is hungry). I was going to post this big long nice post with my drawings and stuff about The 9th Race but you guys haven't seemed to connect the dots...just yet. Maybe next week...I'll do it.

      yeah...that's probably it. Project Monster. All that I will tell you is that I looked at the first three pages of the plot and and ripped out 5 chapters and compacted several more and it is still huge. It will need more work, I haven't even cut to the real chase yet, with 36 chapters plotted out!


      Wednesday, June 10


      *sniff sniff* But but...all I want to do is bite your nose off.. *sniff*

      Pwetty pweese?

      Did you resisted the blurred cuteness???

      I sure have.

      We were gone all day and when we got back she was practically bouncing (bouncing bouncing) off the walls. So I played a million games of I-throw-the-toy-and-then-I-chase-you...while-your-off-ripping-some-other-valuable-object-apart. Let me classify that: a valuable object: shoes, socks, shorts (don't ask), bags, leashes, book covers, shirts, pillows and many other object that are made of cloth/plastic/paper, that is not a assigned sacrificed object.

      Then after a while of her biting my jeans I said: "THAT'S IT! BEDTIME!" She knows that word. She suddenly becomes innocence little puppy that you see in movies or on a magazine cover. I take her out in the courtyard and clean up parts (yes, there is more than one part) of the mess.

      Then if wasn't bedtime when I pick her up she would nip/squirm/play and try to make a game out of it.

      oh no
      not at bedtime
      There is only a big eyed, plush, warm, stuffed animal like puppy in my arms. Looking up me like:

      'Of course it wasn't me, why would an innocent me do that?'

      *sigh* though I know better. Quickly I take her to her crate before she realizes that it's not working and flee quickly.
      yes, this is what bedtime is all about at my house.

      Wonderful isn't it?

      Thursday, June 4

      6 in the morning

      At 6:05 in the morning guess what out new foster puppy decided to do. START HOWLING AT THE TOP OF HER TINY LUNGS!!! *sigh* That's the only rule in the house, if the animal wakes my dad from his's out of the house. Period. So half asleep I jumped out of bed and dragged her outside.

      6:15 after the morning meal we go outside again for a potty break, (by this time I'm still half asleep). Then we went for a walk around the neighborhood. That's the key, keeping her tired and interested.

      6:45 reinforcements come, in the shape of mom. then on with our day. She's a really really good dog. She doesn't bark when you stuff her in the cage, she's only had two ah...oopies and she is as cute as a button!

      I have a picture on my camera...I'm just too lazy.

      Wednesday, June 3

      Animals are back!!!

      That's right, 'm fostering again. With some family stuff going on I haven't had time to foster any animals and with kitten season (that's where they get alot of kittens in at once) in full swing it was time to get started again!
      So we have a little puppy now who is cute as can be. She loves us even if what her first day and has not made a mess in the house. Only being 6 weeks old...that's pretty good! She's a trooper, being found on the side of a highway, in a box with the writing on it...'free puppy'. How can people do that? To me that's like abandoning another person's child and writing on a sign 'free child'. *sigh* I just don't get it.
      A picture tomorrow. Sleep is now.


      Monday, June 1

      Someone came to join my pain!

      I copied and pasted some information about the Supreme Court from the New York Times for that essay that has been lapping up all my free time! Anyway, I was getting really really bored...and my tablet was near by...and Onenote (the program that I was using) made it able for me to draw in it...someone came to join my pain (click for a better picture)!


      Do you like the stamp? It sure fits me!!! Do you know what I did today??? I biked in the rain and thunder! It was very very fun. *nods*


      Project Monster

      Brightfrost has not said much about her latest project. It is called Project Monster. From we know she is still working on the plot, though the first chaper is written.

      What you know

      • It has over 36 chapters plotted out
      • The first chapter is written
      • Brightfrost is compacting it as much a possible
      • Assuming with the name it has to do with monsters and or is going to be huge

      Friday, May 29

      Reviews on Reviews: The 9th Race

      Once again it's that time! Sorry for no other bloggings, been real busy with essay.Since I didn't do it last week I'll put the two together.

      Holly Marie Fowl:
      Chapter 13: OME i love the part at the end! Teehee.Fantastic job! :D:D:D:D:D~HMF

      Agreed! I love that chapter! It was fun to write!

      Chpt12: Ice? Or is it a seashell?Great story! (sucks that she got her memory back, though)See you next week!~HMF

      Sorry about that! If you are talking about a riddle a few weeks ago then you are right! YES! It really really really sucks! Why? You'll find out!

      Chpt 13: Great job on this chapter :D Awaiting for your next

      I hope you enjoy this one! Thanks!

      Chpt 12: HORRAY GREAT JOB Please update again!

      ;) Will do!

      Chp 13: funny chapt!update soon!

      I update every week (ignoring last week) Thanks for reviewing!

      Chp 13: Scales.Holly's hair is auburn, which is a shade of red, not brown, but other than that i like. Artemis and Foaly should never be in a room alone with Holly - they'd drive her crazy in minutes. Nice job, and update soon!

      Auburn is a kind of brown and red in my book, sorry. I do agree that Foaly and Artemis should never be left in the same room with Holly! This just proves the point! Thanks for reviewing! You got it right! Congrats!

      Grimoire Heart:
      Chp 13: SCALES~~!x3I love this chappy too~xDSounds like something Arty&Foaly would do, prattling off their geniosities (not a word) like that~~

      I think that they would do that for sure! I got what you meant by 'geniostites'!! Right on the riddle


      Chp13:The Swiss flag is a white cross on a red ground and the German flag is black, red and yellow.

      Sorry! I'll fix that later!

      Chp13: it a 'scale'? That was a amusing chapter. Especially when they were listing all of the flags!

      I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      Chp 12: Hurry up and update!

      Don't worry! I did!

      That's it folks! See yeah next week!


      Tuesday, May 26

      Been Busy, Been Busier

      Been busier though, but this week (last too) was crazy with dance/school/and stuff. I know that you will understand. ;)

      Nothin' changed, Dragon got the chapter for updating (CHAPTER 14! WOOT! 14 more to go!) half way though the craziness! LOL though now things are really going to pick up the pace!

      Reading a wonderful book...It's 'The Legend of Drizzt, Book 4, The Crystal Shard' By R.A. Salvatore. Amazing! Utterly amazing. A tad gross in parts but what am I suppose to say to that? I really don't mind.The picture bellow is of the first book: Homeland..staring Drizzt (the main character) and his ally Guenhwyvar (what a name!)

      Just to let you know I wrote the word, prologue
      yes, I am writing again
      and no, I won't tell you what it's about

      Friday, May 22

      no update

      sorry about no posts/story this week. Dance has taken over my life,


      Thursday, May 14

      I did..

      Yes, I did have a post for yesterday...but after working an hour on the code for it my internet fell flat on it's face. *sigh* I should have known...I happens every night! So bellow is the post...enjoy!


      Grey Parrots

      This guy made my day!

      He speaks so clearly! Here is another video of another grey parrot talking without the words scrolling. Ps. There is more videos of this sorta thing if you click the link after the video is over

      this might help, this is what the owner of the video noted: This is our African Grey, Sybil, telling us what she thinks of the world.
      This is a selection of her vocabulary...Beneath is a brief transcript of what she says, and a reason she might say it:

      Parrot power!
      Do you know the way to San Hose? (lalalalalala)
      Sybil! (her name)
      Who's a pretty girl?
      Pippers....? (One of our cockatiels)
      Boop! (Our other cockatiel)
      Shut Up!
      I / bird feet! (she had a blue perch that rubbed off blue chalk on her feet, when we discovered we had an African Blue instead of a Grey we decided the perch had to go!)
      Drumming (Clicking in time while headbobbing...I'm a drummer, she gets this from me!)
      Want chip?
      Step up
      New bird smell! (What we say when we kiss her on the back)
      Chick-chick-chick-chick-chickaleeboo! (random saying we taught her)
      Budgie Birds! (She likes 'B' words, we're lucky she didn't use 'b*tch' in this video!)
      Kiss? (followed by kissing sound)
      Sybil, (will) you be(ing) good?
      Hi Boopers
      Who's a good girl?
      Where's my dinner?
      Whatchout! (From the Simpsons movie..whatchout! She is a spiderrrrbird!)
      Birdbirdbird (another saying of ours)
      What happened?
      Screeching like the cockateils (You can't miss this)
      Come on...come on
      Is it good? (It's good...)
      Give us a kiss
      Basket! (Telling my parent's dogs to get in their basket!)

      Tuesday, May 12

      Random Fact about Me:

      I am terrified of bees, I will freeze if one is five feet or less away and turn tail and find another way. *shutter*

      Sunday, May 10

      Swann is MAD

      Yeah..well. I am sure some of the people that are reading my blog has read the latest chapter is my story. Again, then if you are said person then, you read the last sentence. Again may I add that you did not realize that I spent a whole hour on that sentence! >.< Yes I really did spend an hour.

      I was fighting cliche (of course). I couldn't come up with something that I liked. So I brainstormed...these are the sentences that didn't made the cut.

      Base: “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but

      1. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but now it’s my turn, and I will be prepared for your little fairy friends.”

      2. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but now, I will defeat you.”

      3. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but I am going to win this game that you seem to play.”

      4. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but in round two, you are going to be the one who is defeated.”

      5. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but, now it’s my turn and I will be prepared for you and your little fairy friends.”

      6. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but MUAHAHAHAH!” :)

      7. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but..but today is round two and I will be playing straight out. No more misses nice.”

      8. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but today is different. Today I will have you once again you cursed dragon. And this time I will be prepared for your little fairy friends.” (this is in the story)

      9. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but now I’ll get you and reveal you to the world.”

      10. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but now I have to go make brownies.”

      11. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but today is going to be different. Today I am going to win and you aren’t going to be able to stop me.”

      12. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but now I will hunt you down and make you grovel at my feet.”

      13. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but now I will hunt you down and make you grovel at my feet, dragon, begging for mercy.”

      14. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but now I know about your little fairy friends, and now they won’t be able to help you.”

      15. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but now I know your little secret and in round two…I will win.”

      16. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but I will not hold any mercy towards you.”

      17. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but, now I know your little secret.”

      18. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but right now I think I’ll go to the beach.”

      19. “You…” she hissed her eyes hot with fire. “You won round one, but in round two I will stand victorious.”

      My mind goes to strange places. O.o Much of it is out of character for Swann but I needed to brainstorm.

      What's your favorite?


      Friday, May 8

      I can't believe it

      I can't believe it...

      I just can't believe it...

      I finished The 9th Race ten minutes ago...


      I'm just so stunned...I'll just give you the outline of the doc.

      Pages: 80
      Words: 33,960
      Characters (without spaces): 148, 823
      Characters (with spaces): 182, 594
      Paragraphs: 926
      Lines: 2,294

      I'm just shocked.

      Reviews On Reviews: The 9th Race

      Holly Marie Fowl: Great job! :D Keep writing!

      Thanks! I really liked writing that chapter!

      Liris: Is this another dragon? Oh, the suspense! Love it, update soon! Love Liris x

      Yes! The suspense! Much is on it's way! It's crazy really. I'm glad that you love it!

      Hazelcloud:Another dragon? How exciting! I really like how this chapter is such a cliffhanger.

      It is exciting! Really exciting! EXTREMELY EXCITING! I really do love the cliffhanger this week as well!

      AyameAkako; Cant wait for the next chappter, and yes their seemed to be one missing so know it even fits in more nicely great job on this "D Cant wait to read more :D

      I know that there seemed that a chapter was missing...O.o Don't worry I found and fixed the mistakes! Thank you...I tried to do my best on this story. I can't wait to see what you think!

      That's it this week...not my people commented... :( But a HUGE thanks to the ones above that did!

      'Till next Friday!


      Thursday, May 7

      The zombie-ness

      I am a zombie tonight, stumbling and grumbling...and just yeah. (see I am still a zombie with the lack of words. What happens was I had French today and I always break my back studying for it (I don't know why, I always do well). Then I did a despairing dance class (tomorrow) and then I walked the dog, Rebel.

      It's a mile walk in a circle (I pass my house everyday), and when I was a thirty-sixty feet from many house when it started downpouring. Dashing into the house I checked to make sure there wasn't a tornado on it's way (there wasn't). I nabbed a umbrella and walked some of the way. After a while I carefully closed it and skipped in the rain (yes, very cliche ;) ).

      The owner of Rebel thought I was crazy when I replied to her comment on this action. I said:

      The last time that I checked my body is waterproof. A little rain won't hurt, or unless your not. Then you would have problems in the shower if water started coming in.
      Zombie-ness is stil here, but I'm fighting it now. *yawn* Though bed does sound good.

      Tuesday, May 5

      Brilliant Brightfrost

      Primary sentence: Yesterday on my bike I hit a car.
      Elaboration: Yesterday in the afternoon on my bike I hit a car
      Elaboration: Yesterday in the afternoon on my bike I hit a parked car.
      Elaboration: Yesterday in the afternoon, I was deep in thought on my bike when I hit a parked car.
      Elaboration:Yesterday in the afternoon, I was deep in thought on my bike when I clipped a parked car causing it no damage.
      Aren't I just brilliant?

      Sunday, May 3

      Reviews on Reviews

      YAY! Dragon got chapter back to me after a mix up and she edited the wrong chapter that I just cut out of the story.

      cullenfan:I'm going out on a limb here for this riddle. Is it eye? That's the only thing I could think of.That was an interesting chapter. I love the name Herodes. I found this name that sorta reminds me of it. Haroe. Hair-row. I think it's awesome.

      Thanks! I really like Herodes's name as well! An eye is a good one but it's really...a SHADOW! :D I also really like the name Haroe. It was in the running for being in the poll but there were too many other good names that I liked!

      AyameAkako:Wow interesting cant wait to see what happens your new charracter is interesting :D

      That's good that there interesting...because your going to see alot of them! I have tried really hard to make them interesting, which was a little tough.

      Holly Marie Fowl:The Shadow.Fantastic story!~HMF

      Yep, Correct! Thanks! I can't wait 'till the end, it's do I know this? ...well...I JUST FINISHED THE SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER! WOOT! *parties*

      jodz92:I'm enjoying this so far (: And is it a shadow? Well done, look forward to more! (:

      Yay! A new reviewer! I am glad that you like it so far, as I said last time were just getting into the real plot. The rollercoster is just beginning! (yes, you're right! A shadow!)

      Grimoire Heart :shadow~? xDI dunno~ A/H and H/A ~ xD This couple actually intrigues, please continue~?

      Don't worry! I'm going to continue! This story will only die (stops) if I die! I don't really think that's going to happen! yep A/H H/A I didn't even realize that until it was all said and done...*sigh* Hero and Amara are very intriguing....very much so...

      Rathios: 1 i hope you let my cousin out of that lab 2 u got that riddle out of a book i happen to also own and 3 THIS FIC IS ONE OF THE BEST I HAVE EVER READ!

      Okay... 1. You mean Herodes's long lost cousin since the rest are dead? :D He's already out if you have read the latest chapter. 2. Probably, there is a good chance of that. 3. *faints with joy*

      Liris An egg! Got that one.Ok, good chapter, and more on the way? Will you yell if I demand more Arty and Holly scenes?Lirisx

      *starts screaming and running in circles and hitting head on random walls* just kidding. No it's fine that you demand more Arty and Holly scenes. There is one coming about two weeks away. :) Once the last chapter is done, I'll make the fluff by writing a oneshot.How about that? I can see how you see an egg..but it's a shadow.

      That's it from here. The story is 32,000 words with 77 pages and 27 of the 28 chapters. ^-^ Yes I have been busy.

      Oars w/ Boars

      I'll just go now...

      Friday, May 1

      You don't need an account!

      Reposted at the first of the month:

      You don't need an account to comment! It's that cool???? All you do is click on the "0 comments" (I am sure that is what it is) and click anonymous or put in your user name (if you are on ff). Then you can just comment away!
      You know I am just bored right?
      And have nothing better to do?

      Thursday, April 30


      It has been raining for atleast five days in a row. Yesh. That's really sorta depressing. *sigh* Tomorrow is Friday...and the real plot of my story starts!

      I have studying to be done.

      Wednesday, April 29


      Triop day somethingwhatandanother

      *que the I'm not awake scene*


      *stumbles toward* I'm not awake...last night I spent attempting to take pictures of Ghost the Triop.

      *yawns* Couldn't so I took a video instead (upload later). Yay me, this morning I took a better picture. Ghost is eating her morning meal of greens.

      I'm just going to go back to bed now *stumbles off* (mumbles) I can't believe that you guy are interested in my life....

      Eating morning meal

      Monday, April 27

      Do you know what's fun?

      Having this song stuck in your head

      Edit: found original video, better picture ^-^

      Sunday, April 26

      Scaled dragon

      For my story that I am working I often have my dragon trampling/walking on/flying near/burning/carrying things. I often have to think if this is possible. So I drew this scaled drawing.

      You can probably tell that the white dragon is victim of my doodle. Artemis is used for human and Holly fairy. Yes, you don't have to remind me how bad my humanoids are. I know...*sigh*
      (click for bigger image)
      Each slash mark is supposedly a foot. I know once or twice I have gone off this scale for dramatics and fun but now I'm pretty loyal to it.

      Dog Tags

      I bought myself a pair of dog tags, now you can spot me from a crowd of people *gasp* I have two gold ones. the first one has "Brightfrost" printed one it.
      Can you find me? If you find me shout: "Hey! Brightfrost! You have a blue and red socks on! So do I! What's up with that?" (no, I probably won't but'll be fun!)
      the games begins